Sunday, November 30, 2008

~ Mickey & Tinker Bell ~

In September we took a family trip to Disneyland in Los Angles for our Granddaughter Aleena's 10th birthday. While shopping down main street of this very magical place Gary spotted a watch shop. Now if you know Gary, you know how he loves his watches.
A Disney artist by the name of Charles Landholm was drawing with water color Mickey. (click to enlarge ). After the painting is complete the picture is then scanned into the computer and made into a watch face. The watch is just beautiful I should have taken a picture to show you, sorry about that. Anyway Gary loves Mickey and just had to have the watch and picture. We were able to take the watch and painting home unframed.
Tinker Bell is my favorite of all, I just love it when she flies across the sky from the castle at Disneyland. As a surprise gift Gary had the artist paint Tinker Bell for me and had a watch made also. So several weeks went by and a box arrived on the front porch addressed to me. Gary said open the box and when I did I saw the most lovely Tinker Bell ever. We had both pictures framed the same so we put them in our dinning room so we could see them everyday.

Friday, November 28, 2008

~ To My Surprize ~

The other day I went to Michale's and purchased this cupcake tree that holds 23 cupcakes, it has a tilt to each holder. As soon as I arrived home I took it out of the box put it together and left if on the kitchen counter. I went about my house hold chores and when I came back into the kitchen Gary had put his fresh picked lemons from the yard and his favorite fruit tangerines all arranged carefully in my cupcake tree. He had the biggest smile on his face, he really thought it was for fruit.
(So Now It Is). I think he has something here.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

~ Waking Up in Sun Shine ~

This is our Master Bedroom, a very light and airy room that just fills itself with sun shine every morning. How could anyone wake up in a bad mood. We have a king size bed in the room that is so warm and cozy with the down comforter. The window slider goes out to the back yard and pool. Wonderful for those late night swims.
Gary made the head board for me last Christmas. This head board gave us more room since the head board is mounted onto the wall.
There is crown molding all around the room and molding around all windows. I tried to keep this room very simple without to much clutter, since I tend to keep adding nick nacks all around the house (all the time).
The picture above the bed is a Charles Peterson. Look close and you will see ghost like images. I thought this was a fun picture looking into the mirror and seeing the bed on the opposite side of the room. One of my favorite chairs to rest in and read a magazine.
This painting is above my dresser and was painted by Dwight Hickman or better known as (Dobby Gillis)
I love this pillow it reminds me of a soft cotton nightgown.
I made this white afghan years ago, I just can't say enough good things about Red Heart Yarn it really has passed the test of time.

A closer look at the beautiful lace of the curtains. And of course there just has to be a little red in every room.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

~ Six More Things About Me ~

I have been tagged by Carrie at to share 6 things about myself!

The rules are as follows:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Write six random things about yourself.

4. Tag six people at the end of your post.

5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

Thank you Carrie, I was tagged once before and had fun thinking of six things to share about myself. I will leave this open to anyone who would like to share six things about themselves too. Please let me know when you do, I would love to know more about you all.

O.K. Lets see now.. Hum,

1. I love to watch old movies like White Christmas, Brigadoon, By By Birdy and Elvis movies.

2. I also love fall my most favorite time of year.

3. I love holding a new baby and cuddling them all up.

4. I have to finish every project I start.

5. Confession -I tried Botox! I swelled up, so much for my vanity.

6. I am 4ft 11in. I know a shorty, my friend Sandy once told me that when I grow old and shrink I won't be able to reach the mail box. LOL.

O.K. now its your turn.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

~ The Little Rose Domed Plate ~

Isn't this just the cutest plate ever, I bought this from Tina at Cherry Hill Cottage a few months ago. Tina's blog is one of first I found and enjoyed reading so much that I finely decided to create my own blog. I love the little pink flowers and green tea cup holding the plate, its just so cute.
So now what should I put in it, well since its a flower plate what else but my daughter Bernadette's wedding favors. Flower seeds.
These are the favors that we made and placed by each table setting. Bernadette had a garden wedding in June of 07, and may I add it was one of the hottest days in June.
Here is where I have placed the little rose domed plate. I just love seeing it when I come into my front room.
Just another view of the coffee table were the sweet little plate rests. (You click on any picture to enlarge if you like).
I thought I would share a few pictures from Bernadette and Travis's wedding. The invitations were white with beautiful cut out lace and hydrangeas, they just called out garden wedding to us.
O.K. this is not the best picture of the dinning table's but it was the only one I could find. The favors are kinda turned around. But you can see the napkins had the menu placed inside and the center pieces were lanterns with a butterfly suspended in air. Bernadette's wedding colors were blue and brown.
This is Bernadette, you can see the back of her gown in this picture. She was so lovely!
And this is Travis, I think this picture says it all. Such an endearing picture. Travis was quite the trooper to keep his jacket on for these pictures in the heat of 106 that day. After pictures the jacket came off. By the end of night no curls left in the hair and a pony tail twist took over.
I love this shot of them coming down the back stairs.
And here we are inside the mini mansion on the grounds of the wedding site. Proud daddy Gary, tearful Mama me and the Sweet Bride.
Just had to show you Aleena and Andrew. These two are inseparable, Andrew is Travis's little brother who is 19 years younger than him. So really Andrew would be Aleena's uncle by marriage but since they are the same age and same grade in school Aleena and Andrew consider themselves cousins. They truly love each other and talk to each other all the time. Best friends!.