Tuesday, March 31, 2009

~ Petite Tea Cups ~

As my family and friends know, I collect teacups of any size, pattern or color. I especially love three legged teacups, they seem to be harder to find these days so when I see one I get very excited!. There is a story behind so many of my teacups and teapots. My friends and family have helped with my obsession of collecting teacups and I thank them!. Just a few to share with you today are some of my petite teacups, they are two inches small.

The teacup on the right with the pink flower inside was a gift from my dear friend Jackie for my birthday. I love this little cup the detail scroll work is just beautiful and it's a three legged teacup. Funny thing happened the weekend of my birthday Gary and I went antiquing at one of my favorite shops in Modesto and low and behold there was one so similar to the one Jackie bought me I just had to buy it, and so I did.

I have a tea room full of teacups and treasures. The room is right off of the front room. I have been adding things lately to this room and will share them with you very soon. Another sweet gift for my birthday was this petite tea light it stands 3 1/2 inches small and look it's red!.

Wishing you all a tea lightfull day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

~ Easter Bunnies ~

These home made bunnies come out evey Easter to join in the fun at our home. I must have made 20 bunnies like these wearing a different outfit. I think everyone in the family and my friends must have one.
The Easter banner was made by "Mika" Tina's daughter of Cherry Hill Cottage. I couldn't resist the banner it was perfect for my mantel. I love to buy homemade crafts from other crafters, I know how much time and love that goes into everything homemade.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

~ New Moth Orchid Buds ~

Gary and I were so thrilled to see new buds on our Moth Orchid plant. I had moved the orchid into the tea room after the original blooms had fallen off. The light is filtered and not to strong in this room of the house. We wondered if it would even bloom again. Well it is! and we are so happy and can't wait to see the Flowers.
Remember what it looked like?, this is the original picture we posted back in Sept. of 2008 when we first purchased the orchid.
Oh, I do hope it blooms as pretty as the first time. The cluster of white flowers is just so beautiful to me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

~ Counted Cross Stitch Pillow Case ~

This is one of my cross stitch projects that I hope to finish soon. A cottage feeling pillow case. It seems to take me longer than it used to, I have such a hard time seeing the tiny little squares to stitch in at night, even with my reading glasses on. It's tough getting older!.
For the edge I will crochet a lacey trim. What I really like about this pattern is that it was made in the USA.
This is what the cross stitch pattern will look like when it's finished. What projects are you working on I would love to know?.

Monday, March 9, 2009

~Baby Hats for Twins~

On Feb. 28Th we attended a baby shower for Identical Twin Baby Girls. What fun we had!. The babies are due in late April. Since most twins are born early I made preemie hats and crib size blankets to keep two babies warm at the same time.
These little flowers at so easy to crochet and add that little extra something to the hat, but won't bother a tiny little head.

Four tiny little hats to keep babies warm.
This lovely Pink and Brown crochet blanket was made by Bernadette for Mommy and Babies. The blanket is a bit bigger then a lap blanket to keep Mommy and Baby warm at night for those late night feedings or late night rocking's. We call this blanket a " Mommy and Me Blanket" or in this case Mommy and Us blanket. Here is my dear daughter feverishly crocheting as fast as she can to finish the blanket in less then an hour of the baby shower. Luckily the baby shower was held next door to where she lives. The Mommy and Daddy are dear friends of my Daughter and Son n law.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I was a winner of Laurie's giveaway!. Laurie has the greatest blog you should see her itsy bitzy Bunnies she makes http://lauriescharmingdesigns.blogspot.com/ . Anyway to my delight on Friday when I arrived home from work and went to the mail box there was the most beautiful envelope hand painted with roses. I couldn't wait to open it! My birthday was on Saturday March 7, so this was just like a birtday present! And here is what I won, the sweetest antique hand painted magnet refrigerator spoon I have ever seen!
There are sprinkles of glitter on the roses, it's so pretty.
I will treasure this little spoon for ever and my new blog friend Laurie.

Thank you Laurie so much. The roses are so delicate and lovely!