Monday, June 21, 2010

~Hellooooo its Me~

Well Hello my dear friends! I am still here and unpacking, painting and all that moving jazz.
We have had problems with AT&T and now my computer is sick with a  virus (I'm so mad!) What's a blogger to do...
 So  I am typing this note to you during my lunch hour from work...
I have been reading and trying to keep up with all. I know with summer vacations and all many of you have been taking blog breaks.. so I guess I just had a  very long blog moving break..
I don't have any pictures to show you since they are all locked up in my computer at home. Hopefully tonight my sweet guy will get on the hot line with AT&T support and fix the virus..
So until then, please know I am thinking of you all and hope to be a good blogger very soon!
Big hugs to you all~Elizabeth