Sunday, December 11, 2011

~Kitchen Banquette~

Happy Monday everyone! Gary and I have been doing some kitchen remodelling..We have tried so many different looks for the kitchen nook area and all I have shared with you...and every time I think we have it right, we don't....whoa is one night it came to us we needed a banquette. That was it a light bulb went off in our tiny little heads LOL.
Our oldest daughter's boyfriend who is not only a cutie pie but a honest to goodness sweetheart custom designed and built this beautiful banquette for us. 
Come with me for a look behind the plastic wall...
And with the wave of the magic wand, the unveiling. By George I think we might have it right now :)
 You can click on any photo to enlarge if you like. We love how it turned out and couldn't be happier. Our windows were not framed in so daughters boyfriend  custom framed all around the window and sill for us. Gary and I purchased a new kitchen table and chairs they match the center island. Also we had the seat cushions custom made out of white vinyl with red piping. Easy to wipe off when the little ones come to visit or the big people spill (Gary) don't tell him I said that. LOL

 Bead board was used for the design, I love the large bead board and can see lots and lots more bead board in my future.

 I remade the curtains by cutting them down and adding tap tops with ruffles ~ they were a bit heavy and I didn't want to use a curtain rod that had to be screwed into the  beautiful wood trim molding, so I put on my thinking cap and came up with using a shower curtain rod. I now its a bit silly but it works for now until I find a rod with some bulk, the spring rods I found were all too flimsy to support the weight of the curtains.

 I love, love the window molding..I see more window molding in our future too...

 I added the red trim to the white chandelier hats, they look more dressed up now in their red party hats.
 While shopping the other day down town Modesto, we wondered into a store called the Dented Chef and there I found this restaurant style pastry plate and cover, I was so delighted since I had been looking for one.

 The art work in our kitchen is by Catherine Holman who is an incredibly talented Folk Artist. Gary and I have 11 pieces from her collection. I have also purchased prints for gifts. We have one original the rest are prints that we have custom framed. They are so much fun to have and everyone loves them when they come into our kitchen. The color is joyful and happy.

 Some of Catherine's prints you can have your name printed on to personalize them for yourself or a gift.

This sweet yummy cupcake Folk Art is an original from Catherine. You can visit Catherine at her blog and see all her beautiful creativeness at Pigment of your Imagination

I think knobs would be nice to have on the kitchen cabinets and crown molding to finish off the kitchen.
We have also been working in the front room and dinning room.. I can't wait to show you what we have been up too.

Joining in the week with the following ladies;

Susan~Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday

Kim~Savvy southern Style WOW Us Wednesday

Bunny Jean~ Bunny Jeans Decor and More Bunny Hop Wednesday

Honey~2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday
 Shabby Sugar Pink Boutique Friday Fun Link up Party

Thank you for visiting today, I still have a lot of catching up to do with you all and email's to answer. Gee-whiz I sure wish were were more hours in a day.. don't you?.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

~Well Hello, it seems like Forever~

 A really big HUG and Thank You to each and everyone of you who left Gary and I  a note asking where we've been. September, October and November just flew by for our family, my Dad became very ill and was admitted  to intensive care and suffered a Gandmall Sezier and a blood vessel burst in his brain...Thank God and to all the prayers, Dad is doing Great and there has been no paralysis.

Also a family trip to Hawaii was taken for a week (I will share pictures and a story or two with you in a later post)

There was a baby shower for my niece, four birthdays, our two daughters moved that we helped with, some remolding of the house (I will share later with you in a post) and Gary "Retired". 
So there you have the last two months in two short paragraphs...Whew I'm tired!

I finished two quilts one for Dad and one for Mom. Dad's is called "Plaid Dad" I found the pattern in "Quilt Magazine" the Oct/Nov 2011 issue. It was more work then I thought, but I really like it..and Dad did too! My Dad is a hunter so I wanted a hunting theme quilted on top. I started googling  quilt designers and  found the hunting pattern you see on the quilt. It was the perfect pattern for my Dad.
You can click to enlarge any photo if you like..

 For the back I used a green and white plaid flannel, nice and warm.

 For Mom's quilt I used her favorite color blue. For the quilts inspiration, I used from "Quilter's World Magazine" August 2011 issue the pattern "Scarlet Delight".

And of course I had to make pillow cases...I also made some for Dad but forgot to take a picture of them before I gave them to him...Oh well .. Ho Hum, silly old me..

Thank you again for your kindness in asking how we've  been, you know who you are..and I love you!
I will be visiting just as soon as possible. Know I have been thinking of you all and keeping you close in my heart. You are all very dear to me and I have missed you so much.

Our family has so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day! We were truly blessed with Dad's recovery..

Joining in today with Susan ~ Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday ~

~Kim Savvy Southern Style WOW Us Wednesday~

~Bunny Jeans Decor and More Bunny Hop Wednesday~

~Honey 2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday~

~Courtney French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday~

~Sherry The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home #43~


Sunday, September 25, 2011

~Dr. Seuss Baby Quilt~

Good Morning and Happy Monday! To start our Monday off today I thought I would share with you all the Dr. Seuss quilt I made for my niece who is expecting her second  baby boy. I used 8 different fabrics to make this quilt. I fell in love with all the vibrant colors. Who doesn't remember the wonderful stories of Dr. Seuss, I think I learned to read reading the Dr. Seuss books along with the stories of Dick and Jane (now I'm really dating myself) LOL
Here's a photo of the quilt top before quilting.  You can click to enlarge if you like.

 How playful and whimsical the print is.

 There were so many fun story's such as Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Yertle the Turtle, Fox in Socks, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and so many more.
 All quilted and binding hand sewn in bright yellow. 
 The quilting is kites flying all around. I live in Modesto Ca. and have been taking my quilt tops to Rich from Herd of Turtles,  I love his work and his Wife Gloria is an award wining quilter. I highly recommend Rich.

 The back of the quilt. Such silly faces of the Grinch.

 With my left over fabric I sewed up a pillow case to fit a travel pillow, I find the travel pillow 14x20 works perfect for a baby pillow. I have been buying extra fabric for all my quilt projects lately since more is always better then not enough, right.

 While at the fabric shop I couldn't decide on the fabric since all of the Dr. Seuss prints were so cute, so like any girl who can't make up her mind she buys it all...LOL so with this large print I just sewed up a quick   toddler  bed size blanket, I used the warm and natural batting inside to make it thicker for laying it on the floor for baby to play on. So many of us have the wood/laminate flooring now, I think its nice to have a thicker blanket to lay down for "tummy time" for baby.
 The back is a very soft blue. The silly blue elephants just make me smile! I hope they bring a smile to my new great nephews little face.
 I pre-wash all the fabric I use so to ensure no shrinkage.

One more thing to show you, when I first saw this pattern for a little person's lady bug apron I knew I just had to make one, So I did..I  love it and I'm sew happy with the way it turned out.
Happy sewing everyone. I better run now I'm working on Christmas gifts...never to early to start. I will show you all soon what else I have been working on.

Joining in with Susan-Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday

Kim- Savvy Southern Style WoW Us Wednesday

Bunny Jeans- Bunny Jeans Decor and More Bunny Hop Wednesday 

Laura-Decor to Adore Fall in Love with your Home Wednesday

Honey-2805 A Potpourri Life- A Potpourri Party Every Friday