Friday, August 8, 2008

Thank You

Thank you all so much for taking time out of your busy day to write to us and for all the kind words you all have left either by email or blog. Blogging is so challenging for me, since there are no instructions just trial and error and I must confess it has been mostly my error, Gary is always there to help me out since two heads are better then one. I do believe we are getting the hang of it.


  1. Hi Elizabeth! You are doing great. I have added you to my favorite blogs on my blog roll. I also mentioned your sweet new blog in todays post on my blog. Have a wonderful week, and come visit me soon!

  2. Nice visiting you. I found you through Pennys blog. Your pictures are sweet. I will visit again. The sign is so true. Wendy.

  3. Hi Elizabeth, I just came to visit from Penny's blog! Welcome to our little corner of the world...blogland!!

    Love your home...and what you've done with and's beautiful.

    Stop by and visit sometime...and let me know you did.


  4. Penny said we needed to come by and say Welcome to the world of blogging.
    You have a lovely home and a green thumb to boot.

    I'll be back to visit from time to time.


  5. Hi Gary & Elizabeth!

    Welcome to blogdom! I am popping over from Penny's Lavender Hill Studio! What a beautiful home you have! I've enjoyed your photos very much.

    Your blog layout is charming and you're doing a great job - keep it up. You're going to be surprised at the wonderful friends & fun your blog will bring you.

    I'll be back often!


  6. Hello Elizabeth, welcome to the world of blogging xxx. big smile and wave :-)
    Your photo's are really super and you live in a beautiful home.
    Have a great week
    Hugs Lynn xx

  7. Your blog home is just beautiful! (Red is such a cheery color.)
    And so is your real home!
    It's great to meet you!

  8. Good afternoon Elizabeth!
    Welcome to the wonderful world of lovely bloggers ~ I found you from visiting Penny.

    Have fun, no matter what!


  9. Hello Elizabeth; I was just visiting Penny and saw we had a new friend to blog land. Welcome, I love you home it is so pretty, the yard work is just amazing. I will visit again. Have a great week.


  10. Hello's good to meet you. I love your cheery red blog background!

    Your home and flowers are beautiful. The ROSES ARE BREATHTAKING!!

    Welcome to the world of blogging. You will make many friends.

    You have an open invitation to come visit me anytime!


  11. Hi Elizabeth,
    I popped over from Penny's place. this is a wonderful blog, love all the pictures and Penny is so sweet to introduce us. You have a good day ahead :D
    BTW, your blog is the 2nd blog with the same name I know, but it's a great one, home sure is where the heart is!

  12. What a bright, cheerful place you are creating here! Welcome to Blogdom; I know that you'll have fun. (Penny sent me over.)

  13. Elizabeth, I came over from Penny's. Nice to meet you. Blogging is a great way to express yourself. I love it and I am computer challenged as well. I have learned so much in a short time. I liked your saying. It is a happier way to look at things.

    Happy blogging, Jeanne

  14. Welcome to Blogland Elizabeth. It certainly is trial and error, but you are doing great and when you are stumped there is always some helpful blogger ready to help you.

    Love your home and all the landscaping is gorgeous; I am looking forward to "peeping" inside.

    Janet @

  15. Your blog and home are both so charming!! Thanks to Penny for sending me your way!!!

  16. I will put you on my list to stop on by, cause you said we could~!

    three for you..I have for me....

    and tiring..haha.

  17. Welcome to the "neighborhood"! You're going to love it here- friendly people, prayers when you need them, a shoulder to cry on ..and a good laugh just in time!
    You read the same magazines as I do, go to Penny's blog like I do - have a loving hubby as I do - hey - we must be soul-sisters! Come on over - I'm having a little contest - and you'll need to scroll down to see the little twins I'm "contesting" about!

  18. Hi Auntie and Uncle,

    Seeing your photos makes me feel at home. You were both born to make the world more beautiful, through your homes, crafty projects, children and now grandchildren. I love you both oodles and look forward to visiting your blog often!


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO