BEFORE~~~These photo's are from my post "Waking up in Sunshine".
A very yellow-golden room and it
was like waking up in sunshine.. Our room had been yellow for over four years, so I thought it was time for a change....
You can click on any photo to enlarge if you like

Notice the heavy black
furniture and the shorter curtains also our little t.v. was on top of the dresser.

A lot of
furniture for our little bedroom.

The wall with the wing back chair and black dresser now has a
custom built-in closet and the back and gold mirror is now white.
AFTER ~~~~ I owe a very big "Thank you and hug to Becky from "Sweet Cottage Dreams", Cindy from "My Romantic Home", Jennifer from "The Old Painted Cottage" and Valarie from "
Glimpse of my World".
I have been reading these ladies blogs for quite a while now and they have inspired me to create a new softer bedroom.
Now I must say Gary did not want me to change the bedroom, but you girls know how it is, after over four years with the same color, it was time for a change and when I get something into my little old head, I just have to do it (I need to create). . .
So off I went with many ideas to explore, and my guy Gary, well he did help me and was surprised how much he loved the out come. We went with blue, white, neutral paint and red accents.
Jennifer's color choice for their home (Ralph Lauren's Canvas Natural) was just the ticket and what I had been looking for, I think its such a
neutral color and soothing to the eyes.
(Oh my! look what I did, I left my camera
lens cover on the ottoman~silly me!) I still need to make a new slip cover for the ottoman. I do have an idea up my sleeve but that will be for another post.
Also the wall shelves were an inspiration, Jennifer has them in her kitchen and I thought they would work nicely for the family photos of our
niece's and nephews and since I had removed the dresser, I needed a place to display the photos. We love our little ones!
Cindy gave me the inspiration
to paint out my black
furniture to white the color is actually from Kelly Moore and is called "Frost". I also painted the beveled
rectangle black and gold mirror
using the Kelly Moore "Frost". All the trim, molding and anything painted is in the "Frost".

The two side windows on either side of the bed are very small, I had added the full curtains as you can see in the "before" photos in hopes it would help to
enlarge them.
I think
actually I was hiding them.
I love all the crown molding we have used through out our home and wanted the windows to be more
substantial, so sweet Hubby went to work and added the wood trim above the windows for me ( The wood was a recycle from the guest room headboards project).

The painted

A better shot of the two side windows with the fuller trim on top of them.
Valarie had her 100
Th post giveaway back in April and I was the very lucky girl who won her $25.00 gift certificate to "Laurie Anna's Vintage Home". I choose three mercury glass votive holders. They are siting on the headboard mantel. Look closer

And here they are!

Aren't they lovely. They
reflect the light so
romantically, thank you Valarie and Laurie Anna. I have had so many wonderful comments from my friends about these sweet mercury glass votive holders. Laurie Anna sent me some milk bath and hand lotion, it is divine. Valarie and Laurie Anna are two very sweet and kind ladies.

Our new
custom Oak closet. I am so
excited about theses really I am! Our home did not have enough closet space and since this was a wall that was just crying out for a built in, I thought why not add one, and look it fits my little t.v. too.

Gary and I still need to add the
cabinet knobs. I want to find just the right ones.

I love the braided trim molding its the same as on the trim above the two small windows and also on the two night stands on either side of the bed.

Before the
cabinets were installed.
Becky inspired me to go out and buy a "painter drop cloth" and make curtains. Becky had made her dinning room chair slip covers using the drop cloth as her fabric and they are amazing!. Becky is one creative and talented gal and we live in the same town.

I Made them to cover the entire window
including the transom window. I think by doing this it brought the eye up and also helped to keep the morning light out.

Much better, Yes?.

At night with the
curtains drawn. Now what do you do with the left over drop cloth fabric? make a pillow and you all know how much I love pillows. I have them all over my home and change them from room to room.

The creamy white
linen on the pillow was made by my Grandma, she made this sometime in the late 40 to early 50 . Grandma did the drawn thread work and then
embroidered the "L".
I hated to cut the
linen to sew with it, but through-out the years it had began to show holes and had warn out, so I
carefully cut the linen and was able to use the best of her beautiful hand work. The button was also Grandma's from one of her dress suits from the 50.

A closer look at Grandma's hand work. I can't
imagine all the time it took to pull each thread out of the
linen fabric and then go back and sew it into a lovely lace.
Thank you Becky, Cindy, Jennifer and Valarie for your" inspiration"!
Just another reason to love blogging.