I had "Bunion Surgery" on the 24th. Gary took this picture on Thanksgiving day, its a bit blurry but that's just how I feel. I had an allergic reaction to the first pain med's the Doctor prescribe for me, my face and cheeks turned bright red and puffy, I also itched all over. I am learning how to use the crutches, its harder than I thought it would be. I will be right here on the couch for several weeks, with my foot up watching HGTV.
I am writing this post with my laptop on my lap and my foot up its a bit hard to do this. I missed not reading all your posts the last few days.
I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. My daughter asked our little grandson "Ty" who is 4 1/2 years old, what he was thankful for and he said, " Apples!" Out of the mouths of babes. I think apples are a good thing to be thankful for too.
My girls, sister and mom have been here to help me. Gary and all the girls in the family cooked Thanksgiving dinner for us. It was quite fun to see them all scurrying around my tiny kitchen.
Big hugs to you all and thank you again for thinking of me.