It's time to celebrate "Home is Where the Heart is" 100
th Post!!!
I can't believe it's only taken me since June 2008 to finely get to this point. June is when I began creating "Home is Where the Heart is" but did not publish the first post until August 6, 2008. So if my math is correct it has "only" (I'm laughing here) has taken me 1 year, 6 months and 14 days to get to my first blog giveaway!. I think I am probably the only person in blog history to have taken so long to write 100 posts!.
I have tried to post as much as I can since Gary and I have a very long commute to work. Many of you know we commute 5.5 hours a day to work, I know you all think "we" crazy and yes you would be right, but we love where we live it's peaceful for us, and we sincerely hope to retire in 3 more years.
I can't began in put into words, since I'm not the best writer, how much you all mean to me. Many of us will never meet in person, but I feel as though I know you. I look forward to reading all about your families and seeing all the beautiful things you make by hand and how you decorate your homes. I think one of my most favorite things about blogging is the "Caring" for one another and being supportive in our sadness and in our joy. "Sharing" of decorating ideas, the creative sewing designs, cooking recipes and stitching patterns with each other (I really love that).
I have been blessed to meet Becky from "Sweet Cottage Dreams" and she is truly a sweetheart.
Many of you know my love for all home made, and I have purchased many of your creative and beautiful hand made treasures. I still have many more to buy. Since I love to do all kinds of needlework I wanted to give one of you a knitted gift in celebration of our 100
th post. We are calling it the "Comforting Shawl"

The pattern is from a prayer shawl book that they called the ribbon trimmed shawl.

I just love the pattern and it was a fun project to knit while I was laid up on the couch healing from foot surgery. By the way I am all better now just a few pains and some swelling as it just takes time for broken bones to heal.

Here is our "Comforting Shawl"

To comfort you while in prayer.

Or all curled up on your favorite chair reading a decorating book.

Just leave a comment here that you would like to wear our "Comforting shawl" and Gary will do the honors and draw a name next Sunday March 28
th and I will post the winner on Monday.. That's all you have to do.
Thank you to all who follow, it just amazes me how many sweet and kind hearted ladies there are.
You all have touched my heart and my life in so many ways!
Until next time, enjoy your weekend and keep creating!
Big, Big Hugs ~ Elizabeth~