Sunday, August 12, 2012

~Yellow, White & Blue~

 Good day and Happy Monday to everyone...Boy oh Boy has it been HOT in our neck of the woods..106 this weekend, our poor plants and grass. How's the heat been  in your area? I am so ready for fall. Fall  and spring are my favorite times of year.
So anyway on with post...I got side tracked  Hehehe
In July Gary and I had our home painted, we live in a 1970's ranch style home that is 1900 sq ft. that sits on corner  and is 1/4 acre lot.
Our home is not a fancy home but comfortable one. We choose yellow for the body of the house white for all the trim and blue for the front door.. I know I bet you all thought we would go with a red door, since we always have a red front door.
But this time we wanted to do something different for us and so after purchasing 10 different colors of sample paint we decided on Royal Blue by Sherman Williams for the front door.

 Our front entry has a new lock set and light.  We really love the new color!

 This is the  front of our home, we are still working on the landscape and are saving our pennies to have brick work done. (we have a lot of pennies to save) LOL
 The very Tall antenna you see off to the left does not belong to us, it is our neighbors...not to pretty to look at, but whats ya gunna do..

 This is a photo of what our home looked like when we first purchased it in 2010. There were more trees and old brick work that formed an island on the corner, we had to tear out and rebuild the island, also the trees had to be cut down, due to fungus and tree rot.  We planted new trees and now we are just waiting for them to grow. Also the very big tree to see off to your left was also removed it was in our back yard.
 This photo is of the new island and trees also you can see that we painted the trim around the windows and the trim around the garage door red to match the front door, we were trying to make the house color look better but it really didn't work so well, so after living with the green house and red trim alone with some taupe color around the trim of the front door, Gary and I decided it was time to have the house painted in the colors that make us happy Yellow, White and Blue
 The before entry door with a basic silver look set and small light off to the right..oops I kinda cut the light off..sorry, but you get the idea.

Home is Where the Heart is...and my heart is any where you are, anyway where you are  is home...I don't need a mansion on a hill that over looks the sea, any were you are is home...

Before I close I just wanted to say "Thank You"  and tell you  how very special you are to us, you bring smiles to our faces and joy to our hearts. We enjoy reading your notes of encouragement and advise.

Joining in with the following blog party's;

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday

Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday

Cindy- My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday

Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays


  1. Love the yellow! Such a beautiful door!

  2. One can't beat a yellow blue combination...very pretty. The house and door look fantastic. The yard looks great, too. Hope that this nasty hot weather subsides so the plants can have a breather not to mention the people.

  3. Great color choices! I love the blue door. We are having a new door put in soon and I need to make a color decision. I've been pinning doors for while so I have something to look at when I finally make a choice.

  4. Oooh, Elizabeth, I love it. It's about the same size as ours and I couldn't handle anything bigger than 1800 s.f. at this point in our lives. The blue door goes well with the yellow and white. But I especially love the post about your kitchen. Mine is strictly utilitarian and small but since I don't cook much, it's fine for us. You've done a beautiful job, but are you still in Modesto? I thought you moved closer to the bay area or was it the other way around. I see this from your "About Me" so change it if it's wrong, sugar. LOL

  5. Love the color combo, one of my favorites - the blue door is beautiful. xo

  6. Beautiful home and beautiful people living it it..Love to bot of you Elizabeth..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. I have always had a red door too. When I buy my next home, I plan on a different color. Haven't decided what yet.

    LOVE the blue color of your door.

  8. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,

    LOVE the color choice you made for the present! Very fresh and the front garden improved also a lot already. Was the big tree in the back sick? It would have saved a lot on energy bills, providing shade and also blocking the wind in winter. Even though your winters might not be harsh.
    Hugs and love to you,

  9. Love the yellow and love the blue door! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Boogieboard. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  10. Our temps aren't quite as bad as yours, but the humidity equals the daily high so it's pretty steamy. I love your color combination. It looks very pretty.

  11. Oh Elizabeth...I love your front door. I truly do! It's a wonderful shade of blue and soooo inviting.

    I loved seeing the before pics of your home and how you've transformed it. I love the grass...gorgeous and that flower bed with trees...lovely!

    One day last week it was 113. We are DYING here in Oklahoma. Our grass is dead and we've lost at least $500 worth of shrubs. :( Tomorrow it's suppose to be a high of 84 (a fluke) and I'm going to work in my booth space. My shop place is OLD and the air conditioning not so great. So I'm going to take advantage of a COOL DAY.

    I love summer but THIS is crazeeee...

    xoR PS: Thinking of you and praying always as you heal and press on after the death of your sweet sister. xooxx

  12. You have a beautiful home. I love the blue you chose. It's a good idea to try the samples first. I need to get some for my bathroom. I was going to go with a darker blue...but now I'm not so sure! Hugs!

  13. Your color combination is great! Everything looks so neat and fresh!

  14. You are just truly loving this house! It looks so lovely and cheerful.

  15. Love your new house colors.The yellow is so pretty and I dearly adore you blue door! What a nice home you have.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  16. I love it that you are able to change so often and still have it turn out so well great colors I like them both!

  17. Love the blue door. I just love doors that are untraditional colors like black and red. Been wanting to paint ours red. But you know what? Now a days you see more and more doors in these different colors that it's becoming the norm...Hee, Hee, Hee. It has been hot here too, maybe not as much as 106 but too hot for me :-) Stay cool my friend.

    Much love,

  18. Elizabeth I love the new colors you chose for the exterior. It looks really nice and I love the blue door. You have a beautiful home.

  19. Hi Elizabeth!
    Oh, what a beautiful post! I love your new blue door. The soft yellow and blue are so welcoming. You have such a lovely home, my friend!
    Blessings and thanks for your visit and kind comment on my blog.

  20. Blue is a wonderful selection for your front door! I love the yellow you chose for the exterior, and the yard looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing your home at Potpourri Friday at 2805!

  21. When I saw the title of your post, I couldn't wait to read about what you have done now. As you know, my favorite colors with a little red thrown in. I love the way your house looks. Was a little surprised you chose blue for your door, but you knew what you were doing. It is gorgeous. I loved what you said at the end. Home is where your heart is no matter where that is and you and Gary have put your hearts in your home and it shows. Hope it is cooling down where you are. I'm with you...bring on fall.

  22. Your home is lovely, you have made it look so nice.
    I love the color of your home and the red door is gorgeous!
    Hugs, cindy

  23. Looks lovely! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  24. Looks lovely! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  25. Your home is just beautiful!!! The entry..all of it and I can see the brick in my minds eye. You probably know that we had our patio done not so very long ago..and it's one of the best things we have done. You are going to love it. It makes a huge difference..I was surprised at how much a of a difference.
    And by the way...why does your neighbor need such a huge antenna?? Not sure if where you are they are allowed to do things like that..but here it is not allowed. Just a city thing I guess. Motor homes cannot be parked in front or even in your driveway for any long periods either. Sheesh! NOT a nice thing to do to your neighbors!!
    Hugs! (grrrr)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I love the color! The blue door looks great against the white paint; everything just looks so calm and peaceful. You really did a great job! :D One way of maintaining the quality of your door is to always check the weatherstripping, as it keeps away leaks that may cause the deterioration of your door.

  28. I would have to agree with Danielle. Blue does make everything look calm and peaceful. It clearly gives a statement about how cozy your house is. :) Good job on the painting. Just be sure to watch out for any small nicks or damages on the door. Patch them up immediately when possible.

    Keven Sumrell

  29. I agree with Danielle! The blue door definitely gives a calm and peaceful feel. It really shows that your home is where your heart is. ; ) By the way, it is also good to be watchful of pests and bugs that might try to ruin your wooden door.

    - Marla Hinds

  30. This is a really pretty color! We just did ours a more royal blue and we're loving it!


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO