Sunday, September 23, 2012

~She was Free!~

 Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a glorious weekend. We sure did our daughters and families were over on Saturday for the last swim of the summer. I was in the kitchen cooking up homemade spaghetti sauce Italian style. Gary is Italian and we raised our kids and their friends on our spaghetti. This is a staple in our home. What is your families favorite comfort food?.
So this week I wanted to share the wonderful "freebee dresser" I was given. The story behind her is this; Miss Freebee once belonged to a roommate of our daughters , the roommate left her behind when she moved out Miss Feebee was not wanted :( so she stayed in the garage until she was moved along with all the household belongings to our daughter Desire' new place. Miss Feebee was not wanted once again and was put aside until decided what her fate would be. When I saw her all alone I asked about her and Desire' said they were going to get rid of her..get rid of her I said..Oh no I will take her.
So Desire's sweet boyfriend Paul brought her over to our garage.
 Miss Freebee was a bit dinged,chipped  and will worn but I knew with a little Annie Sloan Chalk paint I could give her new life. The drawers inside were in perfect condition, just her outside was beat-up. I used wood filler for around her feet where pieces of wood had chipped out. I did do a light sanding on her first and a good washing, then I began the painting process.
Two coats of paint then sanding until smooth. I did not use wax I really like the flat smooth look. The handle's were brass so I went into my handy dandy paint cabinet and found some black spray paint and sprayed away. Since one of the top knobs was missing I went into my stash of cabinet pulls
(yep I have a lot of extra knobs) and found two I liked and painted them along with the brass ones.
  And here she is  I think Miss Freebee is happy with her new look and now has a home with us in the guest room.

 Miss Freebee sits along side
the quilt rack Gary made for me that was also painted with Annie Sloan. I think the guest room is going to be full of freebee's and home made! I love a good freebee don't you ?

Enjoy your week everyone!
PS. There is a sister blogger who's name I will not mention because I have not asked her if I could and she has not said anything on her blog about her surgery this week...but I thought it would be nice if we could all send a little extra prayer out for her that all will go well. I know I will be praying for her, she is someone I think a lot of us know. I only wish we lived closer so I could help her she is a real sweetheart. Lets all send love and prayers her way OK.

Joining in on the following link parties:

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday

Kathe With an E You're Gonna Love it Tuesday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday

Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday

Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays


  1. It is beautiful. I love what you did to it. I need to find me something like that.

  2. Can I have her? She's beautiful and I love the way you painted her with the Annie Sloan paint. I like black and white together. I have some old furniture that needs to be update and painted. I was thinking about ordering some of the AS paint but wasn't sure if I liked the look (i.e., the distressed look) but I like how you painted you with more of a solid paint look. Well done Elizabeth!

  3. Lovely and what's especially nice about it is the size. It would fit perfectly into a small nook or corner. Great rescue!

    Wishing your blogging buddy all the best.

  4. What a sweet piece! You did a wonderful job on her makeover...

  5. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,

    Wow, what a gem you have now. Bet that Desiré would love to have it back the way it looks now!
    You are a smart handy-woman and it produced a piece that is not even available for money.
    Hugs to you and enjoy the fall.

  6. What a super sweet little made over freebie. You've done a great job. I love the finished look.

  7. Weren't you the lucky one? You did a great job refurbishing her. I like the hardware with the color of the chest. I want to let you know that I had to start a new blog due to threatened legal action. I am starting from scratch so I need my friends to come along with me. You can find me at A Cozy Place Called Home. --------- Shannon

  8. Your freebie turned out beautiful. It's amazing what a little paint can do! I'll say a prayer for your blogging friend.

  9. Love what you did, it's always fun to see how creative people are. Love the curtain rod-shelf too!

  10. Miss Freebie experienced quite a transformation! Love those curvy drawers on the bottom.


  11. There is another chalk paint called CeCe Caldwell and it is made in the USA. Not sure if one is better than the other, but they do have different colors which expands the pallet. I believe they sell it at Unique Boutique.

  12. I'm screaming with DELIGHT for you! I am soooo excited you got this fabulous piece of furniture for FREE! HOW FUN IS THAT? WHOOT! WHOOT!

    I love how you painted it Miss E. Totally Chic and charming! I'd sooo put this in my home.

    Always a JOY when you come by to say hi. I'm going to back track thru your bloggie a bit to catch up!

    Love, Rebecca

  13. She looks so happy now (all of my furniture are she's too!). She must be so pleased that you had the vision to save her. I love a good freebie as well as a great deal :-) I'd love it if you shared her at my party this week (starts tonight) ♥

  14. Love the new look, she now has a home of her own.

  15. How beautiful with this fresh coat of paint. I had a lingerie chest once and really enjoyed it! The drawers are just perfect for getting everything organized. Enjoy your week! Happy Fall! (oh, and I guess my family likes pizza best!)

  16. Elizabeth, Your Freebee is wonderful! Those tall chests are sometimes hard to find, and I like how you transformed it with paint. Perfect for your guest room.
    Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  17. I'm a bit jealous. I never get any such amazing things for free!!
    Great makeover. it looks so pretty now.

  18. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for visiting me :o) my blog hasn't been that great lately but I hope to change that soon. I was feeling better the last few days so I thought I would do some visiting. I hope you and Gary are doing well and enjoying the change of seasons. I love what you did with that dresser it's beautiful!! Your entire home is just breathtaking, I enjoy seeing all the things you redo and make. You inspire me!!! have a wonderful weekend! hugs Jennifer

  19. she IS gorgeous - like you - and turned out perfect in her AS paint job! freebies are wonderful and when you put your own touch on them, they are even better!

    sending thoughts and prayers for our friend who is having surgery.


  20. Great job and beautiful piece!

  21. Ms E!
    The little homeless dresser is adorable. Who wouldn't be happy in the Marchus house? You get more done in a few hours than most in a few months. Warn the world before you retire because I'm sure you'll be redoing all of Modesto!
    Miss you lots ♥

  22. Oh, I would have saved that little beauty too. You do such a great job of painting and distressing. The black hardware are just what she needed too.
    She is a beautiful compliment to your shelf/quilt hanger.

  23. I love your blog and that doily wreath is genius! Your newest follower, Connie :)

  24. Isn't she just a beauty, but I saw her beauty before you added the charm. Also, I have to say I love the quilts, quilt rack and the sign for Guest Cottage. Great job; I'd love to come stay in that room. Joy to you!

  25. I love freebies! Yours is no exception. I like that you painted it white too. You can't go wrong with white. Your guest room will have a wonderful cottage feel with all those freebies too!

  26. Love and prayers to our blogger friend.
    Your little Miss Freebee is gorgeous! You've done a lovely makeover on her.
    Hugs, Cindy

  27. Love your "freebie"! She's beautiful - you did a great job!

  28. Elizabeth-- she is beautiful!! You have breathed new life into this little treasure!! And the price was perfect-- I'm betting she loves her new look!! Great job!!

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  30. She did turn out beautifully. I love, love, love free stuff! Excellent job my sweet friend....and thank you for all your prayers. You are a true blessing to me my sweet friend.

    Love ya,


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO