Sunday, November 18, 2012

~Please Pass the Salt & Pepper~

 Happy Monday and Happy Thanksgiving Week.
Isn't it funny how salt and pepper shakers come in every shape and size, they are fun, whimsical, pretty and then there is practical. These two Patriotic sweeties I won from Cindys Blog Retro Rivival 
 Cindy blog is all about vintage (I love vintage) she sews and creates aprons, she also shares with us her vintage finds and how she re purpose's them. If you have not meant Cindy yet please stop over for a visit. I know you are going to love her blog, just like I do.
 There are salt and pepper shakers shaped like fruit, I have apple salt and pepper shaker's that sit on apple tree leaves.

 Then there are animal salt and pepper shakers, these turkey's are so cute and sit in a basket on the dinning room table.

 Of course there are the pretty ones, these pink rose salt and pepper shakers match my china.

 I also have these very tiny salt and pepper shakers for one....they sit beside each place setting so you don't have to say please pass the salt the have one for yourself.
 Practical indeed, I have two sets of these that match my everyday set of dishes for 24.

 More practical and everyday salt and pepper shakers we use.

 There is only one of these, as time goes by some things are broken and only one survives. This Crystal shaker belonged to my Grandma.
 The most vintage of all is this hand painted salt and pepper shaker that is well over 100 years old. I love the hand painted roses and the gold tops. Just look at all the holes these are a bit hard to tell what is the salt and witch one is the pepper. I love these, they belonged to my Great Uncle's Mother.

 November is the time to gather the family and friends to share dinner, share laughter and stories of loved ones that have passed.  We bring out the turkey platter that has been in the family since I was born.

 We hang up a few decoration.  A Simple Wreath that anyone can make, I put this one together in less than 30 minutes.

 Bring out the candles to lite on the table.
 The turkey table runner and a basket full of pumpkins, chickens and turkey's all help to celebrate the day of thanks and giving.

Gary and I are thankful for our family for the ones who have passed that have taught us so much. The ones we will always carry with in our hearts forever. Even through they are not with us in body we know they are with us in spirit.
Thanksgiving is also a day of hope and celbration to bring family and friends together around a table to hold hands and pray before the meal to thank God for all he has givien us.
We are thankful for you are dear frinds, who read our blog and leave us your kind words of wisdome.
May your thanksgiving be bright and happy and may your hearts be full.
We will be missing someone very dear this year at our table, but WE know she is with us, beside us and holding our hands during prayer.  

Wishing you all love this Thanksgiving,
Elizabeth and Gary

Sharing with the following Blog  Parties.

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday
Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday

Jan-Have Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson Share you Cup Thrusday

Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday

Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays


  1. OMGosh! I love the salt and pepper shakers. I collect them too. Not much I don't collect, including dust! Seriously they are beautiful. What a beautiful post. It is true, we are thankful for loved ones we have lost, and keep them forever in our hearts. They continue to watch over us and help us. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs to you my friend, Karie

  2. I have a small collection of salt and pepper shakers. The patriotic set is really cute.

  3. Wow Elizabeth, great collection of salt and pepper shakers! I also love the color of your door.

    Please check us out at the French Hen's Nest.

  4. Your loved one would be so pleased to know that you carry on the family traditions just as always, though you will certainly be missing her terribly.

    This is such a sweet post. I love your very patriotic and charming...I like the tip about having individual salt and pepper shakers.

    Many blessings to you both and your family the wonderful week of Thanksgiving!

    (Fun to see all of Cathie's art hanging in your sweet kitchen, too.)

  5. this wonderful week of Thanksgiving... ☺

  6. Hi Elizabeth and Gary! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your family :o) I love all the pepper and salt shakers especially the one's with the pink roses...Your turkey platter and decorations are adorable to! Hugs, Jennifer

  7. What a sweet Thanksgiving message, Elizabeth. I love this time of year for slowing down and remembering to be thankful before the busyness of the Christmas season. Your home is always so warm and inviting and even more so with your touches of fall and Thanksgiving. Loved seeing all your salt and peppers, but your win of the patriotic ones have to be my favorite. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving for you and your family.

  8. I noticed you Cathie art, too! I have several prints in my home as well. They are my favs! Love your salt shakers. I bought a couple at a thrift store this week to try to do a craft project! Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
    Wishing you two love birds a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. May it be filled with family, friends, love, laughter and lots and lots of good food. Sending you a great big hug.

    Much love,

  10. i have been thinking of you all week and just wanted to let you know. ((hugs)) because i know that the holidays, and the firsts, are the hardest without our loved ones.

    your home looks beatuiful and i am sure smelled devine for all of your company that you had.

    love you,

  11. i have been thinking of you all week and just wanted to let you know. ((hugs)) because i know that the holidays, and the firsts, are the hardest without our loved ones.

    your home looks beatuiful and i am sure smelled devine for all of your company that you had.

    love you,

  12. Dearest Elizabeth,
    Sorry I was way behind as I was flat out with a bad back for about one week. Luckily our best friends invited us for Thanksgiving dinner so I got fed well. With rest and warmth my back is fine now.
    Love your collection of shakers. Why don't you use your Grandmother's for dusting with cocoa? We keep several for that purpose and it works great. Dusting a cappuccino or just on some baked goods, either way.
    Yes, those that went before us have taught us a lot!
    Hugs to you,

  13. Thank you for the shout-out, Elizabeth:) So happy you like the shakers set and that they will find good company with your growing collection!


  14. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a fun family Christmas.
    Hugs, Cindy


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO