Sunday, January 27, 2013

~Quilt Show & Quilt Rack~

 A Very Happy Monday to you!. I just wanted to say I sure do love you all so much, I know I am so behind on my visits, but it doesn't mean I don't think about all of you every day XO.  

Last weekend in our little town a quilt and textile art show was held. This was the first time I have been able to attend and Gary was so sweet and went with me (he's such a great husband) anyway we ran across a quilt rack vendor and I was so excited "Gary says I ran over to see the quilt racks LOL" anyway Chuck Pederson the fellow in the white apron is the master woodworker who makes all the quilt racks (Generation to Generation Heirlooms) Gary is standing next to Chuck buying the quilt rack ladder for me! Yeah I was so happy and could not wait to get it home and hang a few of my quilts up.

 Here she is, and I love how tall the ladder is. The quilt ladder also folds over so I could use it as a rack. If you click on Generation to Generation Heirlooms above you can see the quilt rack we purchased.

 Gary and I looked at every quilt in the show and took a few photos with our cell phone. I tired to take a few pictures for you all of the show vender's booth's, but was told no photo's allowed (not nice don't you think) anyway we were able to take pictures of the quilts, so enjoy a few of mine and Gary's favorites.

Enjoy your week everyone and keep creating!
Kisses and Big Hugs~Elizabeth

Joining in with the following blog parties

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday
Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday

Jan-Have Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson Share you Cup Thrusday

Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays


  1. Beautiful Quilt Rack! I love how it looks in your Bedroom with the quilts on it. Those quilts are gorgeous!

    Oh...the quilts that you and Gary liked are beautiful too. I really like the Cabin Quilt the best!

    Jan ♥

  2. Wow those are some fabulous quilts. And I LOVE your quilt ladder!

  3. Good Morning Elizabeth, What a fabulous gift....your quilt ladder looks wonderful dressed with your quilts.
    I enjoyed looking at the quilts the ladies of your town made. There are some very talented ladies as the work was exquisite.
    Enjoy your new quilt ladder.
    Best Wishes

  4. Strikingly beautiful quilts...I wouldn't want to do the very small pieces ones, though. But they do have such an impact. Congrats on the quilt ladder. It displays your quilts so beautifully. I think you're going to need more! =D

  5. Wow what a great find! Love how you can show your quilts, great for storage purposes and ready to use.
    Love the quilt with all the dresses.

  6. I love, LOVE that quilt ladder. And what gorgeous quilts!

  7. It's always a great show.

  8. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
    Glad you are so happy with your new bought quilt rack and it looks just like it's made for your bedroom. Enjoy it. It sure was NOT nice for not allowing pictures being taken. After all, you bought his merchandise too. And by looking at his website you get the same idea, or not?
    Well, we can't change everybody...
    Hugs to you and enjoy what you got.

  9. A great way to spend the day! Love your new quilt rack.
    The quilts are all so pretty!

    M :)

  10. Those quilts are all amazingly complicated looking, but oh so beautiful. So nice that you have such a good husband to buy you the quilt ladder. It looks really nice in your bedroom.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Such stunning quilts, both at the show and in your home display! : )

  12. Your new quilt rack looks perfect on that wall with all you beautiful quilts on it. I wish I knew how to quilt :-) Hope you're doing well my sweet friend...Miss you. sending you a great big hug.

    Much love,

  13. Wonderful quilt rack and display of your room! Very inviting. I LOVE the ladder!!!
    ~Tanya you have a new follower!

  14. Elizabeth, what a wonderful show. I love your new ladder with your gorgeous quilts! I will be featuring you at Share Your Cup.

  15. Oh my gosh...I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Quilt Shows. I haven't been to one in over a year but they just take my breath away. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

    Now I'm off to backtrack thru your past posts. I've missed so much!

    Thank you for visiting me!

    PS: I hope you are doing better these days. Losing someone you love so much must be sooo difficult. My heart is with you!

  16. Beautiful! The rack, your quilts and that gorgeous chair next to the rack!

  17. What a fabulous quilt show. I came over to see more photos of your quilt rack and your pretty quilts. You have a beautiful collection and they look wonderful in your room! Sweet hugs, Diane

  18. Some day I will have the chance to attend a quilt show. Your display rack for your quilts is awesome. The quilts are beautiful. I found you at Share Your Cup Thursday.

  19. The quilt rack is wonderful and I saw you featured somewhere, very deserved! What a fabulous quilt show you went to! I love quilts and I'd love to know how to make them. Thank you for dropping by, sweet friend. Hugs,

  20. Blessings, sweet Elizabeth,
    Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment. I'm so sorry you have been down that fearful road of seeing baby with such a difficult beginning. Birth is such a miracle and it's so amazing when those tough little fellows pull through.
    I love your beautiful quilts and your rack is just wonderful. What a perfect gift.
    I hope you have a great remainder of the week, my friend.
    Carolynn xoxo

  21. Hi Elizabeth and Gary, For some reason this didn't come through my list when you posted but I just had to tell you that I love your new quilt ladder and girl those quilts you have on it are incredible! Way to go-yours should have been in the show too.
    Thanks for sharing, now if I can get my honey to look at the photos, I'll be set.
    Hugs, Noreen

  22. What a lovely quilt rack. And even prettier quilts hanging on it!! I also love that little dirndl quilt... looks like Maria VonTrapp's closet. :-)

  23. I feel like I've found a new friend, Elizabeth! Funny how that happens sometimes. I added you to my Google Reader right after I saw your kitchen and now that I realize you love colorful quilts as much as I do, I can hardly wait to browse your posts!



Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO