Monday, May 26, 2014

I See You !

  Happy Monday! I thought for this weeks post I would share with you a bit of fun we are having with Shiloh. He was born December 31, 2012, Gary and I brought Shiloh home to live with us at 8 weeks  old from the breeder, he is a Blue Merle Miniature Australian Shepherd who is commonly referred to as an "Aussie" .

 Our little guy is now 16.5 months old and weights in at 17.3 pounds. Full of playfulness and love! His favorite thing to do is play hide and seek with his busy bone.
The other day Gary had gone out to run a few errands while I stayed home to finish up on some sewing.
 Shiloh was quite and usually will be by my feet while I am sewing. I wandered out of the sewing room calling his name "Shiloh my little one....Where are you" he was so quiet, I looked everywhere for him, then I spotted him there he was, all I could see was his little face!
"there you are I called out" I ran to grab my camera to try and capture the moment.

 Ahaaa those sweet blue eyes of his!
 Peek a boo I see you Shiloh..hehehe
 And there he was hiding behind the buffet looking out the window, he was waiting for Gary to come back. Shiloh stayed there until Gary returned.

 So this is how he dose it, jumps onto the ottoman and unto to window sil behind the buffett.

 Busted little one, I see you and your nose prints all over the window!
 And there he waits ever so patiently.
 Half cat I say...hehehe
 We have lots of nick names for Shiloh we also call him "Shi-Shi" The Shi-Shi is so loyal  we waits and watches at the window every time Gary goes out.
 He hears the car and jumps down and runs to the garage door. If he had a tail it would be waging! Shiloh will bend his body in half when he gets excited.

 And Daddy's home! we have one very happy "Aussie"
Never thought I could love another dog as much as I did our last sweet doggie  who passed away several years ago, but this little one has stolen my heart. He gives so much love and all he wants to do is play and give you big wet doggie kisses. Shiloh is also the protector and will definitely let us know when anyone is at the door.

On another note to my Husband, Dad, brother, sister, Nephew, cousin, Father n law, Uncle and friends,  today I want to thank you and all our Vets and Military Men and Woman severing now and have served  our country, So that we can live freely and feel safe.
God Bless you all....Happy Memorial Day


  1. Shiloh is adorable. My father in-law had two Australian Sheperds- one eye blue and the other eye not! I didn't know they came in a miniature size. That's adorable that she waits for your hubby to come back. She found herself a real personal spot to wait too! Have a great Memorial Day!

  2. He's adorable and love those blue eyes! We're in Italy and celebrated our 40th anniversary yesterday In Pisa, Italy. Not blogging until we are back home in June. ❤️

  3. Shiloh is a beautiful dog. Does he shed?

  4. Shiloh is just beautiful..and those eyes are just amazing, gorgeous, I am sure he melts hearts!

  5. What a beautiful dog Shiloh is! I just love his beautiful blue eyes!

  6. He is so handsome!!!
    xo Kris

  7. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
    Happy Memorial Day to you as well and let's pray that the meaning of FREEDOM will not be taken for granted by the young(er) generations.
    Your Shiloh is a loving bundle of joy!
    Strange that he has not tail though. Our German 'son' had a pedigree Australian Shepherd and it had a full tail. They need that to show happiness. WHY are people taking off bodyparts for the namesake of breeding or whatever?!
    Lovely window perch he got in your lovely home and he feels so at home here.

  8. Shiloh's eyes are captivating! Such a sweetie. I know I read that they dock the Aussie's tail...I don't remember if I saw you know? He is so pretty!

    Jan ♥

  9. Awe..
    Shiloh eyes are amazing
    Now, I want a doggie...
    Xo Marissa

  10. Gosh, he is such a cutie!

    I know you both have lots
    of fun with him.

    M :)

  11. Oh my what gorgeous BLUE eyes!...who does he take after?, lol! I don't blame he looks like fun too...and handsome! Thanks for popping in to visit while I was away!

  12. He's a handsome boy and he has the most beautiful eyes. It warms my heart to hear you say how much he has come to mean to you. The heart has a great capacity for love.

  13. Just too darn cute! What a sweet little face. What's not to love. Wishing a wonderful weekend my dear friend.

    Much love,

  14. my Red Dalmation had those blue eyes, I love the look, he looks almost human.. yvonne

  15. what a sweet little doggie!!!!


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO