Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Living Room

 Happy Monday! I hope you all had a marvelous Mother's Day weekend.
This week I'll take you into our living room, so welcome one and all its rather cozy so everyone squeeze in.
Gary and I were able to use some of our furniture from our other home, not to sure if it really works or not but, for now we are living with what we have.
We were thinking maybe a small sectional but Gary loves his recliner. I have seen sofa's with a recliner built in, they are pretty cool.
 I changed out the slip over on my sofa from the blue jean denim fabric to the off white duck cotton. It's more summery and I do love the lighter fabric and airy feel of the room with this slip cover.
The pink open tulips on the counter were a Mother's day gift. How I adore tulips.

 The Kincaid hangs nicely on this wall beside the sofa.
 The beautiful red tulips were a gift from my Mom and Dad..I love the color, I only wish we could have tulips year round, I will have to enjoy every minute of these charming delicate flowers.
Oh and just look who's in the picture again...yep i'ts Shiloh ( he follows me everywhere I go )
 Here's a before photo looking towards the front door.
 And now....
Larger view of the living room, It's very simple but comfortable for Gary and me.

 Before photo of the fireplace wall, the previous homeowners had their TV in the corner. Ours did not fit and Gary wanted to add surround sound.
 We removed the stone veneer fireplace and replaced it with the same brick we used in the kitchen and dinning room. Knocked out the wall and corner cabinet and extended the wall into the hallway, also creating a archway.
 The new ceiling fan being installed, this is the coolest fan it so quite and cools down the room quickly. It reminds Gary of airplane propeller.
 So this is how the TV was mounted above the fireplace, we had all the electrical installed before the brick was laid.

 Installation of the gas fireplace, we had to have a gas line run.
 Aw a nice and toasty warm fireplace. Very economical. The fireplace is an Enviro.
 And Gary helping with the installation of the TV.  As you can see in this photo the floors had just been laid. By the way Gary installed the wrong TV bracket, silly guy! but he did not want to  redo it, it's holding just fine. We get a chuckle out of it.
 We have TV, Gary is in his glory. Do you see who I see again?
 Looking in from the front door. Hi Shiloh, I see you baby....
 We are loving all the brick, it just seems so right for us.
 The original artwork  of the cottage homes, was painted by no other than Dwayne Hickman (Dobie Gillis).
 We met him and his wife about six years ago at an art gallery. What a nice man.

 Really! Shiloh again....

 So I have to tell you a little story about the curtains. I will make it short, anyway Gary and went to JC Penny to purchase our roman shades because after looking at so many fabrics I fell in  love with the fabric red floral toile. We only ordered the shades for the front windows.
While out and about one day we stopped at one of my favorite fabric and rug stores and low and behold guess what we found? The same fabric as the roman shades!!!!!
I was floored to say the least so I bought enough to make the curtains for the french doors.  I lined the curtains due to the strong sun that hits mid day.
The picture composed by Dwayne Hickman is called 'The Cottage'  This is Clint Eastwood's property near Carmel.

 Before photo of slider door, now we have a french door
 I am surrounded by brick and I am one happy girl.
 Another before, the door you see leads to the laundry room and power room. I will be sharing this room with you next week.
 View into the dinning room

 The red chest is a buffet.
 I love all the detail it has.

 Look who thinks hes a kitty cat! Shiloh has taken to sitting on the ottoman and cat walking on the windowsill to look outside.
Or maybe he just wants to stop and smell the flowers.

Have a sweet week and may each day bring a smile.

Joining in with the following link parties:

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday 

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Brenda-Cozy Little House Tweak it Tuesday

Marty-A Stroll Thru Life Inspire me Tuesday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW Us Wednesdays 

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Friday

Courtney-French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Beautiful all your pops of color!!! What a great story about Dobie. I used to catch that show in reruns late night when my now 23 year old was a baby. Thanks for sharing! Jane

  2. Your room turned out fabulous. Your furniture looks like up it all fits in nicely. I knew someone that got a sectional with recliners on two ends. Bad thing was those two spots got used the most and the rest of the sofa looked great but those reclining ends looked worn. The curtains look great- that was meant to be finding that fabric!

  3. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
    What a BIG accomplishment you can show us here.
    Knowing the feeling after settling into a clean and 'new' place to live after all the hard work and dust, this must be pure bliss.
    You both knew what you wanted and you have certainly optimized each corner of your home. LOVE the fire place and its economical gas logs and also the TV screen above. Many hours of joy.

  4. I love how your living room turned out. It is so warm and welcoming and comfortable looking!

  5. I love what you did with the new house. The curtains and blinds are really pretty. Did you make them yourself?

  6. I just love that room! The white couch is so pretty but I can understand wanting more sitting room. Love the way you've transformed the space and the colors. What a beautiful home.

  7. WOW!!!
    Its cozy and charming and full of beautiful treasures.
    How nice it must feel to sit in that couch and just take it all in.
    Xo Marissa

  8. Looks beautiful, Elizabeth. Your dog looks like he is settled in nicely, too. Love the brick wall for the fireplace. xo

  9. Your home is gorgeous great job.

  10. Love the new slip cover and that trunk! It really makes the room breezy and full of wonderful color. Love it!

  11. Beautiful, sweetpea, just beautiful. You and Gary make a great "makeover" team. Hubs and I fight over it most of the time so NO MORE renovating at our age! LOL

  12. your room is wonderful and your dog is so cute. I love the French doors over the sliders.

  13. What a beautiful room...I am a sucker for red and white anything! :) Gorgeous!

  14. I love the floors and the red and white! I also really like the floral pillows with the toile.

  15. I love love love the brick and your coffee table! The room looks so cozy, makes me want to curl up with a good book.

    Kelly from

  16. Hi you guys,
    Did I miss something??? Did you move? When? I LOVE this house and what all you have done!!! Fabulous and cozy!!!

  17. I love all the brick too! Shiloh is adorable!

  18. Hi Elizabeth and Gary, thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog. I've just spent a while browsing through your lovely blog, wow what a renovation project you've just finished. Homes in the US are much bigger than here in this tiny island...I can see that you love your home and rightly so, you've put so much love into it. I love the red chest of drawers and Toile is also a favourite of mine, you were so fortunate to have got more for the curtains at the French doors...Happy weekend! Hugs Sharon x

  19. AnonymousMay 17, 2014

    Love the beautiful living room. The way you narrated your living room touched me. I like the color of the lamp. Cat has a beautiful place for side seeing. White color is my favorite!

  20. I'm just catching up with some long-postponed reading and I love how you've put your stamp on your new place. I'm enjoying the room-by-room posts and how everything ties in so beautifully. You guys are amazing!

  21. The area run, the drapes..the used bricks...the floors...just EVERYTHING. Even the Kincaid! All those things are so like mine. And.. and your new area..the laundry room and bathroom...just gorgeous. Cozy and warm and inviting and I love all of it!!

  22. Bright, Cheerful, and as Cozy as can be ! :)

  23. this is my first visit here and I enjoyed it. What a lovely home! You know what I like about this home? It has just enough newer stuff to feel fresh and current, but lots of old fashioned cozy stuff like the quilts and pillows to make it feel warm and welcoming, not stuffy. Very pretty and very homey! And that little Shiloh is just ADORABLE ISNT HE?? How old is he?

  24. Your room is beautiful, cozy and inviting. Your changes turned out well and the whole room is very welcoming.

  25. Elizabeth it looks wonderful with that beautiful kitchen! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Nice post. Your living room looks pretty adorable. Thanks for sharing.


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Elizabeth and Gary XO