Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Little Switharoo

 Good Morning Monday! and the start of a new week!
Thank you so much everyone for your help with trying to find my blog list. Magically my blog list reappeared on blogger, as blogs I follow so that was really cool...but when I tried to add a gadget and bring the blog list over to my side bar it was showing no listings.
So I guess I will have to reenter all your beautiful blogs for them to show on my side bar. This is going to take me a while, but on the bright side they are still listed on blogger.
I am going to seek out a professional before I try to do anything else all by little old myself ever, ever again...LOL

You all know how it is to move and get yourself resettled? and of course we all try to reuse our things, we will move and edit furniture many, many times before it feels right. Well this is the case with us too. I was looking back on the photos I had taken of the front room and you know what, it just didn't look right to me. Gary and decided the rug was just to small for the room.

The area rug we have I love, and  have used
 it for the last 5 years, but it was not the right size for the new front room, it was time to look for a bigger rug.
So off Gary and I went on the hunt for a new one.
This is what we came up with, its a off white cream shag with multi shades of light beige's. Its very plush and soft to walk on. I would normally go with a patterned rug but this time opted  for a more neutral colored rug.

 You can see the difference in size here
 In the before photo you can see the rug is small for the room it measures    5' x 7'

 New rug is a 11' x 8', more better.
 Since we were moving the rugs around we decided to move the buffet from under the front window to behind the sofa, also we added the floral rug and brought in the red and white checked bench seat from our bedroom. This is such a funny space that really has me bewildered on how to decorate it (with what we already have) We will see how long this arrangement lasts LOL ...

The round ottoman is now in the Master bedroom. I guess it just takes time to set up house, eventually everything will find its place.

Tomorrow Monday June 9th Gary is going into surgery to have two tares repaired in his Achilles tendon, the tendons are completely torn. He cannot stand or have any weight put on his foot for about 8 weeks. Poor guy!!!
 So if you do not hear from me right away please know, I will write you back. My new name will be Nurse Elizabeth aka Chauffeur Elizabeth. Its his right leg so no driving.
We will hit up the grocery store later today to stock up on all his favorite treats.
I feel so sorry for him, I think he might be hating life for a few weeks.

I will be joining in with the  following parties,

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday

Cindy-Dwellings of the Heart   Amaze me Monday

Marty-A Stroll thru Life Inspire me Tuesday

Brenda-Cozy Little House Tweak it Tuesday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW Us Wednesday

Jann-Have a Daily Cup of Mrs Olson Share your Cup Thursday

Alison-Nancherrow Life at our House Fridays Unfolded 

Courtney-French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday


  1. I will enjoy watching the evolution of your home. Wishing Gary a successful surgery and a happy recovery that goes by speedily.

  2. Elizabeth, I had some achilles tendon surgery and couldn't walk on it for 6 weeks. Hubs rented me a little scooter to put my leg on and I zipped around on that, even at Home Depot. Pain in the tush, trust me.

    I absolutely love everything you're doing to your home! It's fantastic and beautiful. I wish I had more room to play around in but it's our retirement home and I just have to live with it, which is really no problem. Less to clean! Gorgeous, sugar!!!


  3. Best wishes on your spouse's surgery.

    The rug looks comfy!

  4. I like the new rug and the new layout in the pass through area behind the sofa. In my home hardly anything is guaranteed to stay in one place too long! I wish your husband the best with his surgery and for a successful outcome!

  5. Dearest Elizabeth,
    Have fun decorating your new lovely home. It is roomy and open but that makes it also harder for fitting furniture in.
    Wish Gary the very best for today and afterwards. Poor guy. Hope he did not already suffer while doing all the renovations.
    Sending blessings and love to both.

  6. Ouch! That surgery sounds painful but I'm sure he's having pain already. I hope it all goes well.

    Your new rug is very pretty. I just love your house. The colors are so pretty. Have I told you how much I love that little scalloped side table?

  7. I love the swap behind the couch. Good choice. I will be keeping Gary in my prayers for sure.

    Love ya!

  8. AnonymousJune 09, 2014

    Hi Elizabeth! Oh, I love your new rug and your room is just gorgeous! Love that red chest you placed behind your sofa too! Love your pretty home and thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Good luck to Gary (AND YOU!) with his surgery and recovery. Sounds like it will be a long haul for you both. Love that red chest and your new rug looks great.

  10. Change takes time. Sometimes you have to live with your decision for a bit and then change things up if need be.

    Best wished to Gary--doesn't sound fun, but maybe the scooter idea would at least allow him to
    get out a bit during recuperation.

    Blessings and prayers for you both!

    M :)

  11. Wishing Gary a very successful surgery and speedy recovery. Your home is so beautiful, xo

  12. Praying all goes well with Gary's surgery and for a quick recovery. Sending you both a great big hug...Gary is one lucky patient, a better nurse he couldn't ask for :-).

    Lots of love to both of you,

  13. The changes look so pretty. I really like the bigger rug too, looks wonderful. Hope the surgery goes well. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me

  14. I love seeing images of your new home and I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for your husband!

  15. Love the little switheroo Elizabeth! The new rug looks great and I love that checkered bench. Would not be able resist bringing one home like that if I ever ran across it. Your room looks so inviting! Hope all goes well for your hubby and I'm sure nurse Elizabeth will take good care of him. lol!

  16. That red chest is wonderful,
    and I love the big red checks. Your place is looking great. Good health and happiness in your beautiful home. yvonne

  17. Love your rug and the red chest! Everything looks wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  18. Hope by now Gary is recovering and you haven't lost your mind. lol. I have really missed a lot. You have a new home. It is beautiful and I love your new rug. Everything is so pretty. You have had 3 houses since I have been following and each has been my favorite. Love that brick wall.
    Will have to do some catch up reading to find out just when you moved. Thanks for checking in on me. I have really missed reading your posts and hearing from you. Will try to be better at it now.


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO