Saturday, April 17, 2010

~With Time~

With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much
information and wisdom in our heads that
when there is no more room, it distributes out
to the rest of our bodies.
So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy.
Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think,
Good grief, look how smart I am!

Enjoy your weekend, it's the perfect time to celebrate being "You"
Big Hugs~Elizabeth~

Friday, April 16, 2010

~Give A Way at Ms.Bake-It blog~

Tracy at Ms. Bake-It is having her first 100th post give a way! Congratulations Tracy! Tracy has a great blog "about a little bit of this and a little bit of that" I have been reading her for awhile now and always enjoy her posts.. Please stop over and say Hi to Tracy if you don't already know her.
Tracy is giving away a lovely picnic basket just in time to enjoy the spring weather.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

~Ribs & Easter Eggs~

Yum, Yum yummy! My brother Mark's Ribs, it's his secret recipe! Mark is known as the "Rib Man" in the family and we all become Piggy-Poo's when he is a cook'n them there ribs. It takes many hands to turn them while they BBQ. Dad helps Mark~ And Gary helps Mark and Dad~ Gary pauses for a thought and a cool drink of beer~ There almost ready and Mark's a howlerin for a plate from the lady folk and very loud "Come and get em!"
Now for the Easter egg hut. The bunny was very creative this year, eggs every where! in the rocks,
On Grandpa and G.G's car,
Oh No! even on Gary's "56 Chevy" yes the bunny did it, nope it wasn't me!

Oh boy! the bunny did it this time, he even hid the eggs on Mark's custom dune-buggy!!! I don't know if Mr. Easter Bunny will have the nerve to show up at "Uncle Mark's" again next year to hide his eggs! He hid his eggs in all the No, No places. Silly, Silly bad Easter Bunny!.

Big hugs and love from me to you! ~Elizabeth~

Sunday, April 4, 2010

~More Lovely Signs~

I am so in love with Paula's hand made cottage signs, I would have one of each if I could of her awesome designs!
Gary and I just celebrated our 34th anniversary on Feb. 21st and I wanted something special to commemorate the date so what better than a cottage couples sign for our bedroom!

You can click to enlarge any photo.
Do you remember this sign? this is the one that started my love for all Paula's signs. The "Guest Cottage" sign now is hanging inside the guest room.
And the new sign "Reserved for our Guests" is hanging on the door. It brings a big smile to my face every time I walk by the room.
Now of course for the kitchen who could pass up the "Bon Appetit" sign (not me!)
If you haven't all ready been to Paula's~Castle & Cottage~here you should really go for a visit. I have my eye on a few more signs for "Our New Cottage" Oh my I just spilled the beans, we are now in escrow for another home and I can't wait to move in and decorate. I will miss my sweet little cottage home we are living in now, but look forward to another cottage to nest in.
Until we meet again, keep creating and may the sunshine in your smile and in your heart.
Big hugs and warm smile for you~Elizabeth~