Wednesday, September 15, 2010

~ByBy Solong lovley Plant~

By~By lovely plant. Thank you everyone for all your great suggestions about the plant in the entry and for all your sweet and kind comments. I rely on you my friends to always tell me the truth, because I always tell you the truth, and you did (I love you guys! I do)
 As you can see the advice was to move the plant. I guess our  girls were "Right" after all.  I think it does look more open!



  1. Oh, it does make a difference. I love the more open look.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi Gal! I had a similar thing with a very large faux tree, and moved it also!! I am so glad! My room looks so much more spacious, and so does your entry! Simply lovely! Of course, your whole home is lovely, just like you!!
    Have a blessed Thursday!

  3. Your blog template is just lovely Elizabeth and so is your home! I love the results of painting your kitchen door green. Who would have thought that green would look so stunning over white!

  4. Hi Elizabeth! Wow I love your entry...went back and saw the before photos & the green door looks awesome!
    ~definately looks better without the plant. I'm a clutter bug too, it's a hard habit too break:)

  5. Those girls were right after all! It really shows off your door even more. I stand corrected!

  6. Being the "more is more" girl that I am, I liked the plant where it was. But seeing the new photos, I'm forced to agree that the space is better without it!

    The entry looks that green!

  7. Beautiful! I did want to let you know that I didn't line my crocheted bag.

  8. It looks much better - open and airy.


  9. I love the color green that you chose for your door here and the one in your kitchen. Green is one of my favorite colors. I like it better all open too. So pretty!
    I love your new home.
    Lee Laurie

  10. Hi Elizabeth,
    I sent you an email at the address that you have provided here on your blog.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Another idea just popped into my head, just in case the other idea I gave you just doesn't sound right. How about just sheer panels on either side of the window, it would open up the window, but still not leave a bare feeling. Let the panels just cover the sides of the windows. Put the rod between the plates and the top of the window.
    Again, hugs, cindy

  12. Isn't it amazing what a can of wonderful paint can do? I just love the doors painted in this fabulous color of green! You and Gary are so good at color and adding such great touches to your lovely home.


  13. I love love love your door!
    What a beautiful home -- I've been having fun looking around. Thanks for visiting and for passing my blog along to your friend -- I really, really appreciate that :)


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO