Port Angeles, Washington was the stop before Victoria Canada, we needed to ferry over from Washington to Canada. We had a day lay over and spent our time touring this little harbor town.

We took a walking tour, that was very informative. This Family Shoe Store is the original store and building to Port Angeles since 1894.

Some fun seats in the shoe store, I remember chairs just like these growing up.

The original seats that were just for the kids. Who wouldn't want to buy shoes in a fun store like this.

A moving and musical mural in the kiddies shoe section.

A city mural that depicts time in 1904.

This city loves their murals.

Port Angeles has a underground. Originally the town was on this level that you are seeing, but had to be raised since the city would flood. Originally the town was at this level 20 ft below street grade. The port needed to be dredged so that larger vessel could dock.
This task took only 6 months, can hardly believe this since now a days it takes 6 months just to get a building permit. The town streets have been built above these old buildings that are now underground.

Here you can see the wooden ceiling that is really the supports to the street above.

The Port view

Here we are getting ready to drive onto the ferry, our first time on a Ferry Boat, it was so exciting!.

The Ferry Boat walking plank.

Looking back onto Port Angeles.

The American flag flew high on the Ferry Boat. Mom looking up at its beauty.

And here we are approaching Victoria Canada.
Next post - Beautiful Victoria Island Canada.
What a quaint city and what an interesting story about the underground.
The only time I get homesick for Chehalis, WA (hometown) is when I see those mountains ... Pt. Angeles is a beautiful city. TTFN ~Marydon
Fascinating about the town needing to be raised, I never knew that! And, I've neer seen benches like that in the shoe store. Of course I only shop at Payless for shoes, ha.
Hi Elizabeth! I bet the ferry ride was fun!! what a cute town and so much history... I like being able to go on your trip with you via all your wonderful pictures.....Hugs, Jennifer
Hi Elizabeth! Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us!! I love all of these photos, and it sounds like such fun! The beauty of the mountains in the background is amazing!!
It's crazy about them having to lift the city!! Who would have thunk it?
Praying for a wonderful time for you all!!
What a quaint old town. I love the shoe store! The way they raised the level of the town is interesting and your photography of the scenery is beautiful!
Looks like you are having a great time. What an interesting city with the underground. Thanks for sharing your photos. Also, thanks for your concern for my father in law!
What a fun vacation.. I can't wait to see Victoria Island .. that is one of my favorite places I have visited.
Port Angeles! This town is mentioned a lot in the Twilight series and is shown in the movie! I think it looks lovely! Very jealous..
Hi Elizabeth! I tagged you to answer a question, come to my blog for the details! hugs, Jennifer
What neat pictures and such an intersting history! That water looks so fresh and clean, I bet it was lovely to walk around and breathe in the fresh air! Thanks for sharing with us!
I loved seeing this! We were in this area several years ago, when Bill was stationed at Alameda near San Francisco. We took a great trip up here and loved it. I have so enjoyed tagging along with you on your trip! It is so lovely there!
Hi Elizabeth, beautiful pictures! Didn't you just love the ferry? We were seriously thinking about moving to Whidbey Island, WA., but chose Central Oregon instead. Ahhh well....anyway, you wanted the recipe for the rainbow cake, is you can send me your email it would be easier to email the recipe instead of commenting on your blog...my email is: rmbrogg@msn.com
Hope to hear from you soon...
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