Inspiration photo (you might want to click on the photo to enlarge) I love this photo so much! My friend Cindy from Oakview Cottage sent it to me. She knew I loved lace and thought this might be the perfect curtain for my kitchen window. Cindy was so right! it's like she was inside my head (scary) LOL. Thank you Cindy so much for sending this photo to me, you are truly a sweetheart, who's opinion I admire.
So this is what I came up with. My curtains are semi home made, since I used pre-made curtains from Country Curtains. I ordered the white shear tie tops, I already had the lace curtains they were hanging in my front room at our previous home. They were also from Country Curtains.
I cut the lace curtains down and sewed them over the shear tie top curtains. The tie tops and the lace curtains were different widths, so I had to measure a lot and resew the sides also a lot of ironing. They were pretty simple to make. I think they look almost like the inspiration photo.
They are light and airy and have added just the right touch of lace to the kitchen that I love.
A fun sewing project and it didn't take to long. Gary had to raise the curtain rod for me and I puttied and repainted where the previous holes were (we worked as a team)
Gary is a sweet pie and just grumbles a bit when I ask him to re-do something for me..He always says "how long are you going to leave these up..LOL" I said forever! that is how much I love these curtains.
Today I'm linking up with Cielo for Show off your Cottage Monday.

Very nice! I like the way they turned out.
I love them!!! So pretty! I have a sweet husband too who helps me out...sometimes he mutters a little. But, he is always happy with the outcome.
Great teamwork!
They look fabulous! Great job!
p.s. I am having a wonderful giveaway....come enter!
They are very nice and you had me fooled. I thought the inspiration mosaic was your finished work. It's so nice to have a handy, sweet-natured hubby who doesn't give too much grief. He knows by now that he can trust your good instincts.
Your curtains turned out so pretty! Great idea.
Lee Laurie
Hi Elizabeth,
Your new kitchen curtains look WONDERFUL!!! Thank you for your kind words, but you did the work, girl and you did a great job, for sure! They really look beautiful, I'm so glad I thought of that when I saw your kitchen. The raised rod does make a difference. Your hubby sounds like mine saying "How long will you leave these up?" And they think they know us! HAHAHA!!!:)
Love and hugs, Cindy
I posted about your pretty kitchen just now, I hope it's okay!
Hugs, Cindy
the pic inspire me a lot
i love the idea of the curtain
economic wise it will be helpful
the one on the top could be from the expensive tissue
thanks 2 share them with us
pls accept my passing by and lv a comment
thanks again
What a lovely idea, and I love this song. Your curtains look beautiful. Karen
I think you came up with something quite beautiful! They look lovely.
HI Elizabeth! Your curtains are sooo lovely! I love the little ties!! Cute idea! But then...that is just what you do!! Make things look pretty!!
Hope all is well with you! It's nice to take a moment and visit!
Things here have settled down...YAY!! Most of the stress from our extended family issue has dissipated! God is sooo good!
Love and hugs to you, sweet friend!
I came over to look at your blog early this morning and got interrupted! So, I'm back.
Just wanted to say that I love your pretty, romantic curtains. They are so sheer and wispy looking.
Hello you two...
Wow, I had a lot of catching up with you this evening.
I can tell your lovin the new place.
Your curtains are perfect and LOVE all the baby cloths you've been whipping up!
Love all your team work.
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
They look great!
Super job.
Hi You two,
I think your curtains are inspirational. The lace is so pretty.
Gary is a sweetie pie. He's a keeper-hehe.
Big hugs,
Hi Elizabeth,
I was just over at my dear friend Cindy's and read all about your curtains...I thought I'd come over to say hello and see more of your lovely kitchen...You have wonderful taste, and I knew it the minute I laid eyes on your beauitful chairs...Hee, hee, hee, they're just like mine. Seriously though, your curtains turned out just lovely and I just love your kitchen. Well, now I think I want to see more, so off I go to look around your blog some more. It was nice meeting you. Have a wonderful day.
Hugs and Smiles,
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
Come see my give-away.
I love the curtains. I think they look just like the inspirations photo:-)
Your curtains are so pretty! I love lace!
They are just beautiful! Clever gal!!!
Beautiful, just like you!
Wish I had some ideas for how to personalize the RV. They are so dull and factory looking. I want it to reflect our tastes, like your pretty curtains.
Blessings, K
i love the look! way to go to repurpose something you already loved! annnnnddddd....way to go for gary to help you out!
it was wonderful to see the two of you today! hope you enjoyed the rest of your day!!
Very nice!!! Very pretty!!
Im new to your blog! Im hosting a giveaway-interested?
Lovely! Sweet and romantic too! What a wonderful team.
They look wonderful! Almost exactly like the example!! Good to have a helping hubby!!
Your curtains look really lovely, Elizabeth! That was a great idea to make new curtains out of the two you had. Hope you are enjoying your new home. It all looks beautiful.
They're beautiful Elizabeth!
Oh my, they are beautiful! I sooo love lace curtains!
Big hugs, Elizabeth! I thought of you while in the Cotswolds, with all those gorgeous cottages!;)
Oh I love that look! It is perfect, very creative Elizabeth!
Forever? now that's commitment! They are lovely though. If your anything like me always changing it up! I wanted to stop by and say hi been gone from blogland for quite awhile. Traci
Adorable! AND not to mention original looking! I like them a lot! I love lace also!
I am really thankful that Mom had taught me to make curtains. I love it so much.
dining table
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