We had so much rain in Modesto over the weekend our old neighborhood storm drains could not work fast enough! You can see the houses along the corners had watter up to their lawns. Of course this is not anything like the floods we read about in the mid west and east. Our neighbors advised us this happens every year because of the inadequate storm drains.
The lovely house you see belongs to our neighbor and sweet young couple.
I love the reflections of the trees in the water. There was flooding all over the neighborhood, this view is from our front door looking down the street.
You can also see the flooding was down all four way blocks. Being on a corner can be very exciting.
I took this photo from our front door. This is our island planter in the front yard, our flag was blowing in the wind...I should say whipping in the wind.
Aww, I little calmness between storms.. I could actually hear the wind blowing inside the house.
It was the weekend to stay inside all cuddled up with the ones you love by the fire..and watch T.V. (We have been watching 24 with Jack Bauer) we purchased all 8 seasons and are now watching the final season..
Gary's Sister Sue and Brother n Law Bruce and My Sister Margo and Brother n law David are both coming to spend a few days with us... it's going to be a slumber party! we will play cards, drink a little (HEHEHE) just a little Christmas cheer.. and tell old stories.
Gary and I would like to wish you all peace in your hearts, joy in your smiles, and your arms wraped around the ones you love!
We'll be taking a week or so off to spend with our family...we also just had two babies born this weekend, two of our nieces just had their babies one on Sat. and the other Sun.. yes one day apart and they are sisters..What a wonderful way to end the year!
God bless you all! and Merry Christmas!