Oh, how I have missed you! I really have, it seems like I have been gone for ever....We had a lovely trip to Las Vegas. The only bad thing was I brought home a terrible allergy with a really bad sore throat and dry cough...I still have it and it just won't go away. I think I'm allergic to smoke...
I need to catch up with so many of you and I will. I have been thinking of you and wondering how you have been.
Can you believe Easter is next weekend! my goodness where has the time gone..
A few weeks ago I won a very lovely gift from "Rebecca" you all know Rebecca from
A Gathering of Thoughts
I was so thrilled and so excited. Rebecca is a dear heart and she is so very talented and creative. When Gary and I arrived home from running errands yesterday I saw a package on the doorstep of our little cottage..I couldn't wait to get out of car and take it inside to open it and see what was inside. The package was from Rebecca and when I opened it I was so delighted!
Just look at this sweet pink bunny pillow...how adorable can one pillow be!
Along with the pillow was a bunny card to match that I can send to someone since its blank inside, but I can't part with it. The card sparkles with happiness! and playful bunny's.
Also a gift tag and the little envelope you see has a tea bag in it, how darn cute is that!. I love everything Rebecca thank you so very much...I heart you!
So in the spirit of Bunny's I thought I would share a few decorations I have around the house..nothing much this year since we are not hosting Easter... Our daughters Desire' and Bernadette are hosting Easter and big Easter egg hunt for all the kids...
You might recognize this little bunny ...she only comes out at Easter time to keep an eye on all the little ones hunting for pretty colored eggs she has hidden....
I know these dark chocolate bunny candles are kinda of weird....but I really liked them!!LOL
I don't think I'll be lighting them.I don't want them to melt. LOL

Just a little Some Bunny Loves you pillow.

An Easter garland strung across the fireplace...
"Every Bunny Welcome" is hung along side the wall as you enter our home.
Happy Spring you all! We had the most beautiful weekend weather we have had in along time. I hope your weekend was full of warmth and sunshine and everything that makes you happy!