I adore this pattern it is made in strips and is very easy to bring along with you. Since I commute 6 hours a day and take three modes of transportation this is a great project for me to pack and carry on. I can get a lot of crocheting done while traveling.
I used Red Heart Yarn in Pale Yellow for my blanket, I find Red Heart to be a very durable yarn and it washes very well.
Lots of yellow hearts!
I always have fun with my trims and never know what I'll end up doing. This time I crochet in a cotton thread in white, just something different to do and I have so much cotton thread just stored in my yarn box so I thought I would put some to good use.
There is nothing like a home made quilt and a home made crochet blanket to snuggle up with. I can't wait to light the fireplace and snuggle up in our blankets.
I will be joining in with the following link parties, I hope you can join in too.
Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday
Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday
Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday
Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday
Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday
Jan-Have a daily cup of Mrs. Olson Share Your Cup Thrusday
Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday
Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday
Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays
I love the pale yellow. It looks like chenille. Thanks for the pattern.
What a lovely work of art!!! It is beautiful!
Beautiful! I love everything about it! You did a great job!!!
You commute six hours a day? Oh my word. No wonder you get so much handwork accomplished! I'm in total awe. Thank you for the pattern. This is a beautiful afghan.
Beautiful Elizabeth. I have not crocheted an afghan for about 20 years. I wonder if I still can crochet.
Oh, yes, this is so beautiful. I love the yellow color and all of the hearts - it is a favorite of mine - and goes so wonderfully with your reds. You do such lovely work. I'll have to see if I can print out the pattern. I've never used Red Heart yarn - is it soft?
I have never seen one like that before, how beautiful is that! Must be nice to be so talented.
I have my MIL making me an afghan as we speak!
Elizabeth, bless your heart, you commute 6 hours a day? Oh my. This blanket is beautiful. The color is so soft and sweet. Thank you for sharing the instructions, I don't know if I can ever accomplish this. I love it in the lavender color, too, as my bedroom is that color. xo
It looks so pretty and cozy.
M :)
I love your heart blanket!! Love the soft creamy yellow color and the edging.
Dearest Elizabeth,
Wow a commute of 6 hours per day...? That brings lots of 'forced' needle time; what else to do?
But the result of your yellow sweetheart blanket is magazine worthy material. What yarn did you use, aside from the white cotton you worked into the trim?
Hugs to you,
Wow it's beautiful!
I love yellow and it is so cute. I also love the look of your blog.
This is soooooooo pretty...and your bedroom looks so beautiful. What a beautiful skill set. Not very many people know how or still practice this kind of art anymore.
Morning Elizabeth!
6 hour commute???!!! I complained when I had a 2 hour commute! Wow
thanks for taking the time to share this pattern - it is one of the prettiest crochet patterns I've seen and I can't wait to try it. Even without my glasses on I could make out the printed pattern so you did good! Thanks
Have a great week
Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi again!
I forgot to say what a fantastic job you did - I got so excited to print the pattern!!!lol
You are one talented lady given that you made the beautiful quilt too!
Have fun - Jeannette
I thought this was a chenille blanket at first. How sweet is this?! I love it! So beautiful! Great job! :)
Oh, I wish I could knit! It is just lovely - love the yellow. I can't get over the 6 hour commute time, though. That's dedication!
LOVE it! I have a special place in my soul for hearts since my son is a heart transplant recipient - and I've been a hooker my whole life! Thank you so much for including the pattern - definitely my next hooky project!!!!!!
Hi there, Oh what a beautiful blanket-your work is incredible. If I couldn't have a quilt on my bed, I love this warm blanket. I used to crochet but now stick to quilting. So glad you shared with us and also shared all these great links.
Hugs today.
You are so clever!!! That is a beautiful blanket, perfect colour for my room! I do not crochet, though, I've tried and failed several times.
Hugs, Cindy
Good Morning Elizabeth, What a stunning blanket you have made. I adore heart motives. My engagement ring has a heart in the centre, plus I own various items with hearts, so this blanket is perfect for me. I have found you via Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style and have just become a follower. I am sending you best wishes from England. Daphne
Hello you two!!!
Elizabeth...you are so talented girl.
Sweet little hearts...beautiful job.
xo, Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Elizabeth and Gary! Gosh, I just love your profile picture...your both so cute together, such a sweet couple! :o) Elizabeth, I have fallen in love with this sweetheart blanket, it's just beautiful and such a beautiful shade of yellow too. I wish I could crochet! LOL! I love seeing all your pretties. Have a wonderful day you two!! Hugs Jennifer
Hi Elizabeth & Gary! I love this blanket! I love that you made it in yellow it is so pretty. Won't you come by and share at Totally Transformed? I know my readers would love to see. http://pjhdesignsoneofakind.blogspot.com
OMYGOSH...this is sooo beautiful. How I wish I had learned to crochet when my mama was around to show me. She, like you, was so very good at it.
This is such a lovely pattern.*sigh
OMYGOSH...this is sooo beautiful. How I wish I had learned to crochet when my mama was around to show me. She, like you, was so very good at it.
This is such a lovely pattern.*sigh
Elizabeth this is gorgeous! I thought it was vintage. I love the yellow color. Oh how I wish I crocheted. I can't believe you commute 6 hrs. every day. That is alot of traveling girl. Good thing you take your crocheting along. I would love for you to link this up to Share Your Cup Thursday.
Elizabeth ~ Thank you so much for your sweet comment! It's funny you said Elizabethtown, IL. I'm actually from Elizabethtown, Ky (about 15 minutes from Glendale). Kentucky is a beautiful state! I personally think it's one of the prettiest I've ever seen!
When you make it back this way, get ahold of me! Maybe we could do a little shopping! I'd love to show you all of the fun places to thrift around here :)
What a great idea for hankies! I actually saw a really fun idea on Pinterest. Someone had framed several vintage hankies and then grouped them together on their wall. So cute! I love the pillow idea! :)
Have a great weekend!
Hi Elizabeth! Oh, this is a gorgeous crocheted blanket! I've never seen this pattern and it's gorgeous. I love the soft yellow yarn you've used. I'm working on an afghan right now - easy ole granny squares! I'll have to print out your pattern and try it! I love it! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
This makes me want to learn to crochet. I love your work, colors, and the pattern. Another thing is that some 20 years or so ago my grandmother gifted me with an afghan that has to have been washed a bazillion times and is still in good shape whereas the quilt that I had is falling apart after too many washings and I think that crochet certainly stands the test of time better
Oh, I love this, Elizabeth. The color is perfect and it reminds me of chenille. 6 hours a day!!. I knew you commuted, but I had no idea. You are like me, I always work on something while traveling. I don't know how you get so much done. I am in awe of your accomplishment around your house.
I have been meaning to comment on all your wonderful woodwork around your house. I was going to show it to my hubby first to tell you what he said. This is what he does, so I knew he would appreciate the talent your daughters friend has. It is all so well done and really adds to the beauty of your already beautiful home. I will still have him take a look, but just wanted you to know. You have a jewel of a carpenter. You better keep him in the "family". LOL
Wow! I love the pale yellow! So very pretty. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
OMG! What a wondrous blanket! And many thanks for sharing the pattern! Oh I just love it!
I was thinking of you.... and your comment popped in front of me! :)
Big hugs!
Beautiful blanket!
Absolutely gorgeous!! You have an amazing talent.
I just found your beautiful blanket on Pinterest.
However the printed directions are not readable.
At least not for me. I copied and pasted it to an email and it comes out small and unclear and VERY light. Any suggestions how to get it otherwise. Thank you
Hi there Dorothy, I just saw your note I am so sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Please send me your email address and I will send you a better copy of the instructions. My email is address is located on my blog.
Have a good, Elizabeth
Hello Elizabeth I just found you on pintrest can you please email this pattern. It's very hard for me to read
Thank you so very much xoxo
Did this Afghan for my mom king size bed made Pillow case and curtain balance lot of work lost the pattern want to do a couple for my sister and mother-in-law thank you for the pattern
My mom mad this for me when I was younger (10ish) and it's still my favorite blanket she made for me �� she asked me to find it again so she make another one!!
I printed the pattern in able to read it could you please send me a copy at shelspa@yahoo.com? Th so much!!!
Hi Elizabeth, the pattern is beautiful, but some of the fig examples are missing. How get I get those pages?
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