Monday, August 12, 2013

Blue Picket Fence

 Were BACK!! Wow was it a busy summer (did you wonder where I was) I missed you all very much.
 Our summer was spent enjoying three beautiful happy weddings that Gary officiated at, our niece and two dear friends.
We had a sad farewell to the passing of a dear Uncle, spending time and watching after our 8 year old grandson, my little brother was in the hospital for 16 days  having emergency surgery. My Mom also having hand  surgery.
Did I tell you that our youngest daughter is engaged? we have been  helping her and fiance' Seth plan their wedding.
We also have been spending time with our mini Astralian Shepared Shiloh he is now 7 months old.
In between all that we managed to have a cute  little picket fence built around our front entry to our door. Gary found the fencing at a garage sale and what do you know we now have a new fence.
Paul who  is our oldest daughters boyfriend built and desinged it for us.
Gary and I did all the painting (we wanted to help do something so it was painting)
You know us we love color so we said  to each other "go bold or go home...LOL LOL" so we choose to paint the gate blue to match the front door , the picket fence color is swiss coffee it matches the trim around on the house. Yellow, blue and white just a few of my favorite colors.

 What's a gate without flowers, I love flowers!

 Since we live on the corner we seem to get a lot of people trying to sell us "stuff" we really don't want and they seem to always knock during on our door during my favorite shows.
We wanted to keep our home friendly without saying "keep-out" so we thought the fence would do the trick. We keep it locked at night so it acts as an extra safety measure.
 Our next on the  Gary and Elizabeth To Do List is shutters on the outside of the windows and to  brick the porch.

 This gate is on the side of the driveway we kept it white as to blend into the rest of the fence.

 On the porch we have our basket swing a fun place to curl up in.
 'Grow trumpet vine grow' big and strong pleaseeeeezz.

 Hello Mrs Bee don't sting me please.
 We really love how the little white and blue picket fence  added so much charm (we think) and our little dog Shiloh loves it too, he can poke his tiny nose out  between the slats.

The before photo.

How was your summer?.

Sending you all a really tight hug and hoping and praying you are all happy and well.

Elizabeth and Gary XO

Joining in with the following link partys;

Jan-Have Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson Share you Cup Thursday

Courtney-French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-TheCharm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays


  1. My goodness....where have you been? I want to go somewhere for a few months and leave cancer here...wouldn't that be fantastic?!?
    Glad you are back!

  2. Great to have you back. Since summer only just arrived, we're trying to enjoy it before fall arrives. What a crazy weather year!

    Love the blue gate. Have never seen anything like it. Hope that it works, too!

  3. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
    So many things went on in your family... Sad things and happy things; as is life.
    Funny that your exterior paint color is about the same as what we had before putting on our new Benjamin Moore Golden Mist, what you just saw today. They must have cheated us as it was not Benjamin Moore what we had selected but they mixed us a color similar, from inferior paint that faded over the years.
    Yours looks real nice and yes, the white picket fence with blue gate do add a lot of charm to your home! Love the way you build out the entrance to the gate, following the steps.
    Your Australian shepherd Shiloh has such lovely eyes. Our German 'son' used to have one too and it was the sweetest dog one could wish for. So sweet with baby and toddler too.
    Hugs and have a great week together.

  4. Pickets of any color work wonders--just charming. I hear you about the busy summer--brides and grooms, birthdays and memorial services have figured prominently in ours. Glad you're back and gave us a peek at a growing Shiloh!

  5. I love your blue picket gate! Congratulations on your daughter's engagement!!
    Missed you.
    xo Kris

  6. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing. I love keeping up with you, but I am not blogging any longer.... Are you are on FB? You can friend me if you wish....I put my quilting projects in a photo album on there.

    Becky Bozic
    Quilting MeMe

  7. I love the fence and your blue gate! It really adds alot of charm and character. So pretty!

  8. It was so nice to see your blog post pop up! It sounds like your summer was really full.

    I love your blue gate!

  9. The fence is just charming! What a great garage sale find!!!

  10. Love that little gate, love that you painted it blue. Your home and property look beautiful and very welcoming. Hope the gate keeps solicitors away. Shiloh is getting big. xo

  11. Hi there, I have to say I absolutely love your blue gate with the white picket fence. I dislike solicitors too and would love some barrier to keep them out. I love your bench and the flowers and arrangements too. Glad you are back around and thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Noreen

  12. No wonder you have been absent from blogland. Glad you are back, Sounds like a great summer for you guys!
    Congratulations to the engaged couple.
    Your puppy has such beautiful eyes.


  13. Wow! Wow! Wow! I am absolutely swooning over the fence! And your family sounds amazing.


  14. I did miss and worry about you. I'm so glad your back and I love the new fence and the charming blue gate. Your dog is just too adorable!

  15. The fence is beautiful - your Pup is growing and looking so cute. You're right, you have been busy! Glad you're back!

  16. Shutters on your windows are gonna look so pretty and homey.

    In Michigan

  17. So beautiful and inviting!

  18. Hello dear Elizabeth,
    Your new fence add all kinds of charm! I love it and I love the way that you did it, gives your home new curb appeal and keeps unwanted's out.
    Hugs, Cindy

  19. My you have been busy! Some sad things but some happy things to celebrate too!
    Love the pop of blue!

  20. Wow, you have been so busy. Sorry to hear about the death of your uncle. Hope your brother and mother are both recovering well. The fence is darling. I had a section like it at my previous home. The pop of blue gate is so, so fun! I have to tell you that I have been stung twice while cutting back in the garden. This girl needs to watch out for her friendly neighborhood bees. lol! Glad you're back and happy to have you share with SYC.

  21. There is nothing I love better than a picket fence...well except blue, white and yellow. LOL It is so so cute, Elizabeth. I would have never thought to make the gate blue, but it is perfect. Really made your house a cottage. You have a beautiful front yard too. Glad you're back. I thought I was busy...oh my much going on in your life right now.

  22. So sorry to hear about your loss:( But happy you're back in Blogville:) Your curb appeal is just darling. Love the pops of blue!

  23. I love, love, love it. I've been wanting a picket fence too. Hope when I get mind it's as beautiful as yours....LOVE THE BLUE!


  24. Hope your family is well. The changes are really great looking. yvonne

  25. Tap, tap, tap! Is anyone there? Actually, I'm worried about you and hope you are both fine!

  26. Whistling through...hoping that all is well...

  27. Wow! Really nice and beautiful Picket Fence design, I really love it. Thanks for sharing!

    Privacy Picket Fence

  28. I have been gone from the blogging world for a while, but came back hoping to find a new post from you. Hope everything is ok and that you are just busy. I miss your posts. Wishing you and Gary many blessings in the coming New Year.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Your little picket fence is adorable! They wrap your house so nicely, and it makes for a welcoming sight and a very homey atmosphere. The warm ambiance of your home is refreshing; it goes well with summer.
    Gerardo @ River Oaks Fence

  31. Oh I do love a picket fence, so cottagey and so pretty! and blue, I love that blue gate and your lovely blue door! Lovely photos Elizabeth! Sharon xx

  32. That many cows running in one direction makes it easier to figure out where the calf has gone!privacy fence estimate


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Elizabeth and Gary XO