Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Happy New Year !

We just couldn't let another day go by without wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
So much has happened and so many decision were made since my last post.
Gary and I decided to sell our beloved home and move on to create another.

I know I said I would never move again, but after deep thought and many, many hours of sleepless nights, Gary and I decided the move was for the best (our retirement years). We placed a call to our friend Joe the owner of Big Island Movers and his side kick Scottie to assist in the heavy lifting and some fun along the way!

We packed up all our belonging  and moved then into a pod and then all the fragile  and breakables were taken over to my parents and brothers homes for safe keeping, to be unpacked when all the re-modeling has been completed in our new home.
Bye Bye  comfy bed, comfy sofa, big TV and all my favorite quilts.......see you in two months.....

Let me back up to a few weeks ago, it just so happened that our neighbor who lives only six houses away from us was selling their home and since we love our neighborhood it made sense for us to stay in it.

We talked and shook hands and gave big hugs to our sweet neighbors to seal the deal, and so the house process began with selling our home and buying theirs......our neighbors also stayed in the "hood" moving into his childhood home a beautiful brick house.

Gary and I fell in love with the ranch style  floor plan, a four bedroom two full bath home with a powder room, and a pool.

There were some  awesome upgrades and re-modeling that had been done such as the standard 8ft ceiling had been raised and pitched. New electrical rewiring and pot lighting installed.

Our Contractor and friend Charlie Smith is heading up the construction. Updates needed were new bathrooms and a kitchen. We also designed a new hallway moving a door and replacing a few windows, also enlarging the master bathroom.

Gary and I decided to buy a new 15ft travel trailer  to live in for while the house is under construction. The trailer is parked along side our house (we are campers now) Shiloh is getting use to it but has become over protective and has taken to barking and lunging at the work man (bad Shiloh)

We can't wait to share photo's with you and take you along with us on our journey.

                                                         (Bad Boy Shiloh) Just turned 1 on Dec. 31

I promise to be a better blogger, Thank you to all who have sent personal notes asking if we were OK. You all are darlings and we so appreciate your love and concern for us.

Life sure can keep us busy can't it......


  1. Congrats on your new soon to be home! it sounds lovely - can't beat a ranch all on one floor for retirement years. And I see you have joined us RVers too! I thought you might be up to something since it had been so long since we had heard from you. I'm looking forward to future posts on your new home. It's cold here in SE PA this morning….4 degrees but at least it's sunny. We're off to the doctors just for routine check ups. Take care and hug the doggie for me.

  2. How fun! Looking forward to seeing your new home. Hope Henri is doing ok with the move ;-)

    Happy New Year!

  3. Sounds like an adventure! Can't wait to see the pictures!

  4. We have missed you and can't wait to see your new home. Happy New Year.

  5. Congrats to you and Gary! I am sure this will be your dream home, it sounds so wonderful. I love the idea of a camper to live in, wish I had one when I remodeled here! Lol. Keep us posted, E, I know it is hard. xo

  6. Bigchanges your way. Most of them are behind you. Can't wait to see your new digs.

  7. I cannot believe you're moving again, sweetpea! Hubs and I will live in this home until they carry us out feet first. I abhor moving and when I see a house I like and wish we could have a bigger one, I smack myself in the head! I not moving again!!!! But good luck in your new home and I anxiously await the remodel as you do a great job of it.

  8. Congratulations to you and Gary!
    What a wonderful way to start off the new Year..

  9. Yah!! I am so glad you are back and a new house...oh wow!!. I hope you will show us soon all that is going on. I am so excited for you. We have lived in our trailer a couple of times while remodeling. It is a good way to be close to the action and you don't have to travel to fall in bed after a long day of working on your home.I have loved both the homes I have seen you in and I know this one will be just as wonderful. Congratulations

  10. I was so delighted tonight to see you! And yes, life can get in the way of blogging. Here is wishing you a wonderful new year too. You sound so excited about your move. I moved just once to a home just next door to the one I was living in and for some reason it was the hardest move I have ever made. I never figured that one out. :)
    What an adorable little trailer. I don't think you would be doing such a thing if you didn't live in California! I cannot believe that nearly the entire country is all blue...excepting us and a couple of other places. I am grateful!
    I can't wait to see your new home! Moving is hard but it is also very exciting!
    We are loving being retired. It's wonderful! Each day is our own. Sometimes I wonder how we ever found time to work.
    Pat and I bought a tiny Sea Breeze and lived in it for a few months and I loved it..but..was glad to get back into our home.

    I haven't been a very good blogger lately either. It happens sometimes..we just get so busy with life we forget to blog and visit. I am a terrible visitor..an not so hot poster either.
    Hugs and love,

  11. Wow! So much going on! Glad that you are well and that soon you'll be in your new home. Happy New Year to you as well!


  12. Happy new year to you as well! This should be a fresh new phase for you, where you are able to go into more vast horizons, while making more than a few coins off your past and history. Glad you've made that sale and have been able to make the property palatable enough for interested parties, and have enough to move forward in your lives. The market is fickle, though it can be gamed.

    Casandra @ Gateway Select

  13. Well there you are! I've missed you and am excited for you and your new adventure! Can't wait to go along the journey with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Well there you are! I've missed you and am excited for you and your new adventure! Can't wait to go along the journey with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
    WOW, that has been quite a lot that happened since your last blog indeed. But so glad you sold your home first; always the best thing to do.
    The time bridging the time of moving into your new home will pass very fast since you also are very busy with so much work to be done.
    Shiloh is cute.
    Wishing you both well and have a Happy and Healthy 2014! That is the most important thing. I'm also going uphill again after major surgery on October 7; sounds like long time ago and yes, the time is passing fast.

  16. What a lovely adventure--keeping your cherished neighborhood but getting a new home!

  17. Such exciting news! I can't wait to see the beautiful new home for yourselves. Fun!

  18. Congrats on your new home. Those
    PODS are great. Pups are always trouble the first 2 years, love those blue eyes. Happy New Year!

  19. WOW!
    I'm not sure what else can be said. What a way to start a new year!


    M :)


Thank you for stopping by and visiting "Home is Where the Heart is". and leaving us a note. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.

Elizabeth and Gary XO