
Sunday, July 19, 2009

~Monterey Bay Aquarium~

Last weekend we took a family trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California. What a amazing place to visit. The Jelly Fish were spectacular, they are also known as Drifters; delicate, colorful jellies that pulse and drift through the sea.

This Jelly Fish has a clear body that was bright and electrifying.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium is hosting "The Secret Lives of Seahorses". You will need to enlarge the Seahorse pictures to see them since they blend into there habitat. Look closely to the right and left. How many do you count?

There are two Seahorses here they look like sea plants.
The Sea Horses are always together and seem happy. Very beautiful creatures.
The Grandkids had a blast, with such wonder in their sweet faces.
Big smiles from our 4 year old Grandson.
Hands on with the Starfish. The kids really had a great time. Fun had by all ! I must say if you ever plan on visiting the Aquarium you many want to go on a weekday. We went on Saturday and it was very, very crowded and hard to snap pictures.


Connie from Beverly Hills California said...

We love Monterey and Carmel Ca. Great pics!! We live in Big Bear Lake Ca. Had a great visit. Stop by when you can. Connie

Chris said...

Wonerful photos! Are those "jellies" just fanstastic?

I always enjoy a trip to ANY aquarium, but Monterey Bay is the most beautiful, IMHO!

You've got yourself some cute grandkids too!

Have a happy Monday! Chris

Vee said...

Lovely photography... The jellyfish look like flowers drifting through the water. Loved seeing the expressions on your grands' faces!

(I found the seahorses only by enlarging the picture.)

Unknown said...

Wow! What great pics, such a cute family too!

Nancy Yoakum said...

Glad you had a nice visit. isn't it an amazing Aquarium? The Jelly Fish are my favorite! We lived in Morro bay for a year, and I remember seeing them float in the harbor and I was always mezmerized!

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth! I'm back from being sick....I 'm catching up on the post's I missed... The aquarium is so neat! You take great pictures!! Love seahorses and the jelly fish are awesome!...Looks like your grandchildren had a wonderful time too...I hope all is well and I'm just glad to be back!! Have a lovely day! Hugs, Jennifer

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love the picture of the clear jelly fish. That is so cool looking...but I wouldn't want to meet up with one in the water.

Michelle said...

I need to get over to the aquarium..that looks like fun!


Sea Angels said...

Oh what fabulous you work for the National Geographic!! I love these tiny vunerable creatures, and I am stunned by their beauty and the fact we can even see them in all of their glory...thankyou xxx
Your grandchildren are so beautiful, they must bring you so much joy, what a perfect day.
Hugs Lynn xxxx

Terry said...

What fabulous photos.
Wow !!!!!!
This really looks like a fun place to be .
Thank you so much for sharing with us.
May you continue to be blessed by the wonder of living as seen through the eyes of your grandchildren.
Blessings to you all.
Happy Trails

Happy@Home said...

This looks like a fabulous aquarium and your pictures are great. I love seahorses!! What a nice outing to take with your grandchildren. They sure are cuties.

Thank you so much for your recent visit and prayers for my sister. It means a lot to me and I know will mean a lot to her too.


Martha said...

Great pictures. Love aquariums. Unfortunately, none near us.

sandy said...

Wow wow wow, incredible with those seahorses blending in so well and cute kids!

Susie Q said...

What gorgeoous photos! I loved Montereay and Carmel and being there in the area a few years ago.
: )
The jellies are amaazing! Our aquarium in Cincy has an exhibit with them and we are hoping to get there soon!


Susie Q said...

Yikes! Look at all my typos! I do know how to spell I swear! MONTEREY...GORGEOUS...*laugh*

Anonymous said...

what a neat place to take your grandkids! love the pictures of the jelly fish.

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

These are amazing photographs! Thank you for sharing them with us. I also enjoyed the precious grandbaby pix as well. You're right about the wonder in their faces. : )
And congratulations on the new chandelier below. It's gorgeous!!!

Catherine Holman said...

What sweet grandchildren! Looks like a great time for everyone!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What beautiful grandchildren you have! A very interesting post also! I enjoyed it!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I love going there! Your grandchildren are just too cute and obviously having a wonderful time!