My sister Margo is my big sister (I am the middle child and then we have a brother), Margo was also having elective surgery on Friday May 18th.
I called her on Thursday night to say I love you and I would be thinking of her and would call her Friday in the evening when she arrived home.
Gary and I received a phone call from our brother n law David on Friday evening saying that there has been complication's and Margo had been admitted to ICU. Things continually
worsened and she was put on complete life support all within hours after surgery. WE my Mom, Dad, Brother, Gary and I drove to the hospital almost two hours away. I (we) could not believe what was happening (how could this be happening and why)
A few hours later my sister's two daughters and Son n Law arrived, they live over four hours away. Soon many family members started arriving at the hospital.
My dearest sister passed away early Sunday morning on May 20, at 2:44am....I can not begin to express how sad I am. Margo was so many things to our family, wife, daughter, mother, sister, auntie, grandmother, cousin, niece and a best friend. Our lives will never be the same.
We have been blessed to have had her in our lives and I know one day we will be together again. But for now, I will miss her every day of my life. I know that many of you have lost a dear loved one also, and so I know you know how we are feeling...I would like to share a few photo's with you of my sister and tell you a little bit about this amazing sister I have.

Margo had a singing voice of an angle and loved to sing with Gary. During one of our shows we sponsored Margo and Gary sang theit rendishion of Sony and Cher's I've got you Babe. It was such a fun number and a great show...
Margo with her husband David and their first grandson. She was so happy..
My sister has two grandsons, Jackson 5 and Logan 2 1/2 and one grandson on the way due in July. My niece Amber is the Mommy of the three boys.
A dear sweet cousin Daniel wrote to Amber to tell her this:
I'm so sorry about your mom, sweetheart! I'm sure this must be a very difficult time for you, especially with a new little one on the way! Whatever you do, though, don't you, for one second, think that she's going to miss out on her new grandbaby... she's not! In fact, she's getting to play with him first. When my first son, Gabriel, was first born, he looked a lot like my Grandma Enriquez. My mom told me it was because she was the last one to kiss him on his way down from Heaven... and I believe it! So, when your new bundle of joy arrives into this world, kiss that baby and smile. Your mom's lips were there first.
I just cried and cried when I read this, Daniel had post this on facebook.

My sister had many accomplishment's, she was in the U.S Army and served during the Vietnam War. Graduated with a AA, BA and then received her Master's in Education all the while working full time. She was also an quality control engineer.
Margo and David also flipped several properties, there was nothing she wouldn't take on, she would read and watch a video and say "I can do it" and so she did, Margo also spoke Spanish and would like to tell me (Si Sa Puede) Margo loved to decorated and studied interior design, I told my niece
instead of fluffing pillows Mom is now fluffing clouds in heaven. she was an excellent seamstress and would design her own clothing, amazing jackets and suits.
Margo loved to travel overseas visiting many countries in Europe, as well as within the the United Sates. While in Ireland she even kissed the Blarney Stone.
We would antique together and always see who would find the first three legged tea cup...or embroidered pillow case... Margo had a heart of gold, she supported children in Africa for over 20 years. she worked as a home stagger for awhile until she decided to open up her own business called "2 Paws Up Doggy Daycare and Boarding" located in San Jose CA.
Margo built the facility from the ground up. It was her dream to have a safe and happy place for the fur babies to stay while their parents were away at work or vacation.
Below I added a few photo's of inside "2 Paws Up". It is the hope and dream's of David Margo's husband and her employees to keep 2 Paws Up running. This was a new business that just opened I think In Nov. of 2011. The boxer in the video is Rufus he is Margo and David's Dog.
August 19, 1954 - May 20, 2012
Written also by Cousin Daniel...remembering how truly blessed Margo was! When she went home to the Lord, she did so having lived an incredibly full life. She had a wonderful family, surrounded by her ... amazing children and beautiful grandchildren; she had a beautiful home that she could be proud of; she even managed to get her own business started! In other words: she was a success! All of the great and wonderful things we all hope to achieve in life, she had the courage, determination, and dedication to ACTUALLY ACHIEVE IT! For those of us whose lives she touched in her time here, we can all be proud of that. Now, it's up to those she left behind to try to follow her example. Live the best life you can, don't settle for less than your dreams, regret nothing, and above all else, be full... full of life, full of joy, and full of love! I can think of no better way to honor her memory than that....
I love my sister with all my heart and will miss her all the days of my life...If you have a sister or brother please tell them how much you love them...because one day you might not have the chance...
My dear Elizabeth. There are just no words. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this overwhelming time.
Love you,
On Monday I'm leaving for 10 days to go to Tennessee to help my big sister, Linda, get ready to open a little antique shoppe. A part of me has been dreading it because I'm driving alone and pulling a trailer (9 hours). I'm more than scared...but my hubby and my sissy said "BECK...YOU CAN DO THIS!" Because of them I know I can.
Reading about your loss has put so much into perspective for me. We have only this day...this very moment in fact to love and be loved and to show it to those around us. Your loss has snapped me right back into reality and helped me refocus on all that is right and good in my life.
I'm profoundly sorry and sad for your loss and for those in your family. I wish I knew why God allows all He does...I only believe He has a reason for permitting some things. Good WILL come of this in time sweet friend. It will. He promises to make ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL in His Time.
In the meantime, especially while your grieving is so new and raw, I will be lifting you up to the Father praying for mercy and peace. My thoughts and concerns are with you friend. I care.
Love, Rebecca
Hugs (((((Elizabeth))))) - I'm so sorry to hear of your sisters' passing. I know you must just be heart-broken.
Your story brought tears to my eyes, because I, too, lost a sister - Gail was 3 years younger than me, never sick, dieted all the time and really watched what she ate and was always riding her bike. When she was 37, the end of March 2000, she was diagnosed with colon cancer, had surgery and went home to recover...and then have other treatments. She never made it to her treatments, she passed away on June 30, 2000.
Gail is always missed by me...and I'm sure she'll always be missed by me. It's still not easy without her.
Your cousin, Daniel has said some lovely words about your sister and how you should follow her example. Sounds good to me.
Love & More Hugs...
Jan ♥
Oh Elizabeth I so feel your pain..I lost my big bro in 2001 and still miss him each day of my life..My prayers are so with you and your family..Hugs and Love Gl♥ria
Sooooo sorry I know what you are going through. I sure hope that you will be able to feel peace in your heart in days to come.
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear sister. Sending prayers as you deal with the great pain in your heart.
Elizabeth, my heart goes out to you for your loss. I never had a sister or brother, but I lost my Mom when I was in my 20's and I still miss her. She never knew her grandchildren, but I always said she left this world, went right to the Lord and put in her order :-) She passed in November and I had my first baby the following December. If we know the Savior we have the assurance of seeing our loved ones again in eternity. I so look forward to that day.
I am so sorry Elizabeth....your sister seems like a wonderful person....and I know you are missing her terrible. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Hi Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through. She truly did accomplish so much in her life and was loved by so many people. My prayers are with you, take care, Maryann
Thank you for sharing your heart and for telling us about your beautiful, accomplished sister. I'm so sorry for your loss and for your family's heartache. Comfort and peace be yours...
My Heart goes out to You and Your Family. She was a beautiul Lady. I will light a candle and say a prayer. Big Hugs coming your way.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved sister. It sounds like she was a blessing to everyone. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Oh Elizabeth! I am so sorry to hear about your sister. MY heart goes out to you and your family. I hope you can find comfort in the wonderful memories you have of her. Sending you love and hugs,
Elizabeth, My heart goes out to you and Gary and the rest of your beautiful family...I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear sister...your all in my prayers...Hugs Jennifer
I am so very sorry about the loss of your sister. Keeping all of you in my prayers.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. So sorry for the loss of your sister.
Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry to hear this. You obviously had an incredible sister. My heart cries for you. I have not lost a sister and I would be so SAD if I had to.
Love, prayers and big hugs, Cindy
Elizabeth, I'm so sorry about your sister. I'll be praying for you & your family.
I don't have a sister but can only imagine what you are going through. Taken too soon, but now an angel looking out for you all. I'm crying tears for you and your family in the loss you are now experiencing. God Bless you all and remember HE is there for you at all times. Thankyou for sharing. I hope that this burden shared is a burden slightly less heavy for you Elizabeth.
Oh dear one! Please know my heart goes out to you and your family in this very moment.
I am so sorry to hear of your sister's passing. Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers.
I'm so so very sorry for your loss, Elizabeth. Sending you hugs!
Dear Elizabeth,
She was a beautiful, caring and kind person. She will be missed. I wish I would have had the pleasure of meeting her. Sending you and Gary all my love and tons of hugs.
Much love,
I'm so sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your sister Elizabeth. What a remarkable woman she was and loved very much by all. I know the pain you are going through because I lost my middle brother who I adored my whole life in 2002. My heart goes out to you and your family and I'm sending prayers for each of you.
Dearest Elisabeth and Gary,
So sorry to read about your loss and even more so, knowing for what reason... Too bad I've missed this post but we were getting ready for our trip to Florida.
There are no words to fill in the blanks. May the many memories of your sister Margo Joyce live with you forever. She was a fighter, as proven with er service in Vietnam, so she will continue to be one! Only now from heaven.
Lots of love,
My Dear Friend Elizabeth, I am so sorry to hear of your lose. Even though we know life is eternal and someday you will be with your precious sister, you will still miss her tremendously. May the peace of the Savior Jesus Christ be with you and comfort your broken heart. I sincerely send you my sympathy and love, Hugs, Karie
Oh Elizabeth,
I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. I will be praying for your family over the days and weeks to come. May the peace of God surround you all, and give you comfort in this difficult time.
She sounds like an amazing woman...and for sure has an amazing sister.
Big hugs and gentle blessings to you,
My heart breaks for you. I just read this beautiful post. Your dear sister, Margo, would be so pleased. I was startled to see her middle name - the same as my first name. She certainly left her mark on many lives and no, you will never be the same. You are so blessed to have journeyed side by side. She will always be with you. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you.
My dear friend......
hold all of the sweet times with your beloved sister, Margo, in your heart. She is with Jesus now....sweet Jesus with sweet Margo. My heart hurts for you and your family.
How blessed you were to have a sister and such a wonderful. I see so many families that don't speak and don't know how lucky they are. I have no siblings and would love one.
what a beautiful story about the person in heavens lips touching the baby. I am bawling, so touched, I will never forget that story, thank you for sharing it...
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