Isn't this just the cutest plate ever, I bought this from Tina at Cherry Hill Cottage
http://cherryhillcottage.typepad.com/ a few months ago. Tina's blog is one of first I found and enjoyed reading so much that I
finely decided to
create my own blog.

I love the little pink flowers and green tea cup holding the plate, its just so cute.

So now what should I put in it, well since its a flower plate what else but my daughter Bernadette's wedding favors. Flower seeds.

These are the favors that we made and placed by each table setting. Bernadette had a garden wedding in June of 07, and may I add it was one of the
hottest days in June.

Here is where I have placed the little rose domed plate. I just love seeing it when I come into my front room.

Just another view of the
coffee table were the sweet little plate rests. (You click on any picture to enlarge if you like).

I thought I would share a few
pictures from Bernadette and Travis's wedding. The
invitations were white with beautiful cut out lace and
hydrangeas, they just called out garden wedding to us.

O.K. this is not the best picture of the dinning table's but it was the only one I could find. The favors are kinda turned around. But you can see the napkins had the menu placed inside and the center pieces were lanterns with a butterfly suspended in air. Bernadette's wedding colors were blue and brown.

This is Bernadette, you can see the back of her gown in this picture. She was so lovely!

And this is Travis, I think this picture says it all. Such an endearing picture. Travis was quite the trooper to keep his jacket on for these pictures in the heat of 106 that day. After
pictures the jacket came off. By the end of night no curls left in the hair and a pony tail twist took over.

I love this shot of them
coming down the back stairs.

And here we are inside the mini
mansion on the grounds of the wedding site. Proud daddy Gary, tearful Mama me and the Sweet Bride.

Just had to show you
Aleena and Andrew. These two are
inseparable, Andrew is
Travis's little brother who is 19 years younger than him. So really Andrew would be
Aleena's uncle by marriage but since they are the same age and same grade in school
Aleena and Andrew
consider themselves cousins. They
truly love
each other and talk to each other all the time. Best friends!.