Just look at this "Beauty". A 1956 RED and WHITE Chevy 210 Del-Ray, and she's all Ours. Well O.K. almost. Gary has been shopping for a 1956 in honor of my birth year and just so happens to be his favorite year Chevy.
Gary, Dad and Son n Law took a three and half hour road trip to see this little RED lady on Sunday. The boys fell in love with her and so she will be
coming home this coming

She just so "
PURRTY". When I turned 16 way back when my dear sweet Grandpa gave me his black and white 1957 Pontiac.. I did not
realize what I had and sold her a few years later. I was so sorry I did and ever since then I have wanted a vintage car.

You all know how much I love RED, this is a perfect car for us. Gary can't wait to drive her home and shine her all up.

Looks like we might be going to "Hot August Nights" next year in Reno NV. This is one of the fun car shows to show off your Vintage car, held every year.
Now we have to name her.
Do you have a favorite vintage car?
Love it! Congrats! :-)
My fav is a 1969 Chevy Chevelle. Thats what my now husband then boyfriend had all through high school. We loved it!
My favorite is a '57 Chevy. We had one at one time, but sold it. Just didn't have space nor $$$ to keep it the way it should be. It was the turquoise and white model and I just loved it.
What a beautiful car! When I was 12, in 1965 I saw some teenagers driving around in a pale yellow volkswagon convertible with a black top. They looked like they were having so much fun. Ever since then I have wanted a vintage pale yellow volkswagon convertible.
How wonderful! I love it and the red makes it just that more beautiful! I always wanted a '66 Mustang. I had a '66 Falcon! heehee! Not quite the same! lol
Hi ,
Many years ago we owned one exactly the same heads turned everywhere we went My husband had restored it from an ugly grey shell to it's former glory, Alas it was sold when the children came along and the car went to live in Belgium. We now own a beautiful Hemi Road runner but keep it in Florida as our weather wouldn't do it justice!
Hi Elizabeth--
Cool Car!!! She is very pretty.
You'll have fun driving her around.
We need to see pics of you and Gary in it!!
Oh my!!! I am SO envious!
Elizabeth, she's a beaut! I can just see you and your guy cruisin' in her!
I had a 1965 white Ford Sunliner convertable with red & white interior that I loved. But my favorite was my 1967 Mustang! Wish I still had her...
Wow! She is beautiful, my dream car is an old cream metallic Mercedes convertible, only ever seen one once and it just looked so glamorous and vintage! Have a sweet day x
You're so right...she is a beauty...love the red. She looks like a "Ruby" to me.
I hope you know that you two will be driving me to and from my wedding in this bad boy! That is if Dan ever proposes!
You lucky gal! I can just see you and Gary cruisin around in that! What fun! Traci
Oh my goodness!! this is sooo well, so American, so like the movies..it is fantastic.I am thrilled for you we never see cars like this...Hope to see more pictures of you all having fun.
Hugs Lynn
Thankyou for all of your lovely words xxx
Darling, thank you for your friendship and have yourself a fabulous weekend!!
Duchess ♥♥♥
Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.
It's all perfect !
Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....
Hi Elizabeth! I ooo and AAhhh over old cars all the time. We have a bunch of local shows at night around here. I have owned a 67 Mustang, a 57 chevy, and a very old Ford truck. Don't have anything old any more, though. I just love their character!
So glad you got this beauty!! What fun!! I can just see you two cruising around!!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for stopping by my place. Boy, what treats to see over here, as well. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Chevy. And the inside looks beautiful too. How fun!
Great job on the amazing headboards below. I especially loved the photo shot at night. And the ceiling light fixture is SO GREAT in that room.
Also, your crown pillows look wonderful in your home!!!
Hope you got lots done this weekend.
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your sweet visit today, Just wanted you to know both of your messages came through...maybe because they don't show up until approved makes you think they are not getting through...hope it wasn't too much trouble. Tell Gary, WHAT A GREAT CAR.....You were born 6 years after me!Ha! When I recieved my drivers license my Precious grandfather gave me my grandmothers Chevy Nova...a sweet little white car with red interior...I would give anything to have that car now...Not for the car itself so much but that it would remind me of my grandparents who I adored...Enjoy the super car...wish we were closer, we could go cruisin!!!!!, xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet U-North Mornings...
very very pretty.
Elizabeth!!!! Jack had a 57 Chevy when we got married. If I showed him this he'd cry and wanna run right over and steal it, sugar.
You are NOW on my blogroll on the blog, but I had you on my Google Reader anyway.
To follow someone you just click on THEIR side bar where it says "followers", honey. Not on your blog, THEIRS. Then you are a follower.
If you need any more help, just whistle. You can email me on the right hand side bar where I've giving "the evil eye" from camping! Hah.
Oh Wow! What a beauty! I love classic cars. I used to have a '67 Mustang and sure do miss it. I actually cried when the new owner drove it away. You will have so much fun cruising around in that sweet ride and you will definitely turn heads!
Have fun!
~ Tracy
My first car was a 1966 red Ford Mustang. I loved that little car and have such fond memories of it. Your Chevy makes me think back to the wonderful times my friends and I had in that lovely little red Ford.
I love your blog and read each post with anticipation.
Blessings to you today.
In Grace,
Hi, Elizabeth,
Oh my goodness! I love it! and Bright Red, too. You are so lucky to be owning that car. I once owned a bright red Plymouth Fury. If you have ever seen the movie, Christine, that is what my car looked like. I enjoyed my visit with you. Come over and visit me at Bunny Cottage if you have the opportunity. Vicki
Darling, have a lovely weekend.
Love, Hugs & Tea
Duchess ♥♥♥
Beautiful! I love the red and white. My husband has a 66 chevy impala and we go to lots of car shows too.
Oh, to DIE for!!! It is gorgeous.
TY for popping by today ... I could have kept writing forever about our childhoods. I oft wonder how our children gr-kidlings will reflect upon their youthful moments ... they live in a whole different kind of world. In some ways, they are truly missing so much ..............
Have a wonderful week. TTFN ~Marydon
DEFINITELY YOURS! I love love love it!!!!!!!!!
How wonderful!
And it was sooo sweet of you leaving such friendly compliments on my blog! Thank you!!!
Hugs, and enjoy your Chevy!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Be still my Heart. I love your new old car. she is a beauty... What fun to be driving around town... I have always wanted a 56 step side Chevy Truck, some day.... :) have a great week with your new baby...
What an AMAZING car! So, so fun! I'm excited for y'all!
That really is a sharp car. Clean as a whistle!! Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and your kind comment. Those of us with family serving in the military have to stick together. God bless your nephew.
The car is beautiful. I must show this to my husband!! Hugs, Connie
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