On Saturday Gary wanted to get me out of the house for little drive, we ended up at one of my favorite places to browse and shop "Antique Emporium" located downtown Modesto CA. I love this shop and I always find the cutest things. He surprised me by taking me there. I haven't been out much since I'am still healing from foot surgery, so this was a real treat.

We were lucky enough to find a parking place right at the front door, so I did not have to walk far. Right in the front window I saw this sweet little white bench, it reminds me of a church pew. I ran {hobbled} over to the white bench and just had to have it, it was calling my name and so the little white bench came home with us. I just love the red and white checked seat cushion. It fit perfectly against the wall.

I just had to hang the pink hearts on the side. These little lovey hearts were hand made by my dear friend "Becky" from

"Sweet Cottage Dreams" Becky has a ESTY site where she sales antiques and hand made gifts. Since Becky and I live close to each other she came over for a visit and brought the hearts as a gift. She brighten my day so much, Becky is a real delight and her sweet spirit just shines throughout her.

The day I took the pictures of the white bench the sun was shining through the glass stained windows,I had hoped to capture the brightness of the light for you all to see.
Gary and I would like to wish you all a very "Happy and Blessed New Year" and I want to thank each and everyone of you that have left a note asking how I have been. It means the world to me, really it does. It just brings tears to my eyes to think how very thoughtful and caring you have been.
I am trying to visit you all and leave you a note. Also to all of you that have become a follower, I welcome you to "Home is Where the Heart is" and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Big hugs, always your blogging friend,
I am so happy to hear that you are doing fine,, hope you foot is not giving you much pain.... Now for that gorgeous bench,,, it is like it was made just for that spot... Love how you decorated it with the pretty pillows and those pretty hearts... thank you for the sweet comment.... you are such a great friend...
The bench is just right for that space. It was meant for it, and so were the hearts!
Modesto huh? Sounds like a field trip to me...?
I am so glad you have been able to get out and about a little. Being house-bound is difficult sometimes. (Although, you have a beautiful home to be in!)
Wishing you both the best! Chris
Hi Sweetie!! So glad to see you posting again!! Your white bench is absolutely adorable and so very Elizabeth!! What a sweet friend to come by bearing a token of friendship!! Sounds like God is just blessing you all around! Are you healing up well? I guess you are since you were up and about!
Happy New Year to you gal!! Hope yours is wonderful and I'm looking forward to getting to know you even better this year!!
Love n hugs,
What a cute bench, I can see why it talked to you. I'm sure you enjoyed getting out for a bit.
Hope the heeling procces continues well for you!
Happy New Year to you.
What a DARLING BENCH! Many years ago my Mr. AGPMan made one very similar for me. What I wouldn't give to have it back now. :( :( :(
Sometimes I think I just need to slow down and RETHINK the things I'm willing to sell.
Glad you are doing better my friend. I've had foot surgery before (McBride Bunionectomy)...OUCH! AND MORE OUCHES! I hurt for you!
Blessings to you and Gary for a wonderful New Year.
Love, Rebecca
"MOLLYPEE" is my word verification. My doggies name is Mollie...do you think she needs to go out? Maybe it's a SIGN! :) ahaha
Your new bench looks perfect in it's new home. It must have felt good to get out and do a little antiquing. I hope your recovery is going smoothly.
Happy New Year to you and Gary.
That bench is just perfect in your home! How sweet that Gary took you to the antique place...and I love the hearts that Becky made for you!
Hi You two,
The bench is perfect. Love the hearts too! I'm so glad you were able to get out and do a little shopping (always helps me-hehe).
Your stain glass windows are incredible. Love them. It is so bright here though that they could be a problem in the summer.
Thank you for the congrats. I am so excited about the baby. I am just praying that all goes well for Dorothy.
I have listed a white on cream pillow in my shop but I can also make more of the damask white flower. Just send me an email.
big hugs and Happy New Year,
Sorry to hear you have a sore foot -hope it is all better soon.
I love the bench and the pretty hearts too.
Take care,
Glad to hear that you are on the mend! What a lovely find! And perfect for your home too!
The bench could not be more perfect in your home. It looks like it was made just for you.
I just love all your knit and crochet projects. They're inspiring me to pick up my crochet again. ;)
OH my gosh, that bench is too yummy, I can hardly stand it! And those little hand made hearts by sweet Becky look perfect there and did I mention that cushion looks perfect? Oh and the one in your living room is equally delish! I need to go rearrange or something now (feeling all inspired)!!
Glad you are feeling a little better!!
ooh it is a beautiful little bench and I just love the red and white pillow!
If I make this post then do you know how many " Becky's" have commented to you? lol
Thanks for stopping by today and glad to hear you are on the mend. You have the happiest, cheeriest home and it is just beautiful.
I have been on the hunt for a bench like that for one of my clients. I may just have to study your picture and have my DH make one for her.
Talk to you soon.
Another hug from another Becky!
Soooooo glad to hear you are on the mend and able to get out and do a little shopping!
That bench is perfect..... I have a set of Beckys sweet hearts too!
Happy New Year to you both!
Warm Hugz, Dolly
So glad to see you back and thanks for taking the time to visit me. i love the white bench and is perfect in your home. I could see that red and white afgan I covet too. Your home looks lovely.
Modesto....we spent several summers there in the late 60's early 70's. We loved it there, but settled in Bakersfield instead.
Hope your healing continues and that you are back to yourself soon.
Glad your hobbling about! Love the white bench & adore the stained glass windows!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I love the bench with the cute red checked cushion, adorable and it looks great right where you put it.
Have a great weekend! Hope your foot feels a little better everyday!
Hello Elizabeth, so happy to hear that you are up and about, bunion surgery can be very painful. You sure have just a lovely home! And the bench is perfect! Love your touches of red too. The curtains in your beautiful guest room are the same as I had in our old home - had some fabric left over and made a shower curtain out of it for this house! So take good care and keep "hobbling around!"
I'm sure you were happy to get out and about! What a lovely bench and I love the read and white check cushion.
A very pretty bench and the little hearts are the perfect personal touch that makes it yours! Happy New Year to you, too!
I'm glad to hear that you are up and moving around some. I know its a pain staying shut up in the house.(Even though you do have a beautiful home!)I had to stay home from work for 3 months after I had my neck surgery back in 2006. I didn't know what blogging was back then or I would've been doing that to keep me busy. I stayed in the house for over a month before I would get out. Sometimes just getting out for a little bit will make you feel better. I love your little bench. It's so precious with the red and white cushion and the little hearts hanging on it. I love your stained glass windows! They are awesome! Your home is beautiful!
Lee Laurie
What an adorable bench, and I bet it helped the healing process. Love those hearts by Becky.. she is a sweetheart!
The bench looks like a perfect home! I LOVE red and the hearts are the icing on the cake...even better to have met a blog friend in person, now there is a treasure!
Hope you have a speedy recovery. You tell Gary he is A.O.K. in my book!
Glad to hear you are recovering from your foot surgery.
Pretty bench ... you have to take them home if they call to you!
Thank you so very much for visiting my Silken Purse blog!..,
Happy 2010 to you and Gary as well!~ I'm delighted to hear that you are feeling better after your foot surgery!..,
He's so sweet to have planned that surpise outing for you! I'm tickled to see your lovely new purcase~ How sweet!~..,
Those adorable hearts are such a pretty and loving gift from your friend as well!..,
(If you'd care to, you may also enjoy visiting the Plumed Pen for tea also, sometime when you get a moment my dear)!..,
Take care and God bless you from Wanda Lee, a.k.a./ Silken Purse @ The Plumed Pen (and @ Silken Purse).
Oh I love the red and white. Your home looks so warm and inviting! The bench looks perfect against that wall.
I am wondering what kind of surgery you had on your foot. I need to read up and see if I can find out. I had surgery for a bunion when I was 16 years old. BUT now it aches a lot where they cut the bone--the good thing is that my kind hubby massages my foot (well feet!) at night ;-)
ps. Thanks for the kind comment on my blog (spindlecottage)
Oh my gosh.....your home is glorious! I love all of the cheery color. I am so impressed by all of the homes that are all creamy and white........I simply adore them.......but I always seem to come back to color.....and the darling Hubbs loves it too.........Your stained glass windows are luscious too. You sweet husband sure knows how to design them doesn't he? Congrats on your adorable little bench. It's just toooo cute.
Warm hugs,
OHMYGOODNESS! The new bench is perfect!! LOVE the red and white checked cushion, too! My friend, Marsha, had that in her space. I cannot tell you how many of her pieces are throughout my home.
I spy the other cute bench you bought there, too. Elizabeth, you have just the perfect eye for getting those special pieces for your beautiful home.
Sending hugs,
Becky - YES, another BECKY!!
PS: We should go shopping! Before you go back to work, ok?
wow, I get bowled over when I look at photos of your beautiful house! Love that white bench.
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