Last week a huge rain storm hit the central valley of Modesto Ca. and also the San
Francisco Bay area of Ca. We had rain "ALL" day long and into the night. Gary and I received a call from our neighbor saying that the large tree in our front yard was coming down.
This is a city tree and was about 12 years old. This is what the tree looked like when we arrived home from work that evening. It was leaning in about a 45 degree angle.

The night sky, I think it was pretty and

Oh no! she
beginning to lean more. We were just hoping and praying the tree would not fall against our smaller little crape myrtle.

Saturday Gary and I went out to dinner and received a call from our neighbor saying that the city was out and cut down our tree, so not to be too
surprised when we arrive home.

Our big beautiful tree is gone, look across the street our other neighbor also lost their tree.

As of Sunday night (as I right this post) the tree branches are sitting in the street, now we might get some rain tonight and where do you think the city put the tree debree, Yep you got it (right on top of the rain gutters.)

Now what do all men do? ~ they inspect the work and then they stand around and talk about how they would have cut down the tree (the right way).
Giggle Giggle
Enjoy your week my friends and keep creating!
Wow! You had some big excitement this weekend! Hope it didn't rain and they will clean up their mess soon!
Oh I love the sky picture --it is awesomely beautiful. Hey, what do you mean that it is a city tree??? It was in your yard so how is it a city tree??? Yes, It is so much fun to watch people--love the photo of the guys talking!
What a shame! Our trees do take a beating during storms, don't they?
We lost a big branch out of our pine tree during one of our ice storms a couple of years ago. It's painful!
Well Hello--
Goood to see you back in blogland!
So sorry about the tree they do live rough lives--don't they.
Come by soon.
Oh my! I know you hate to lose your beautiful tree. What a powerful storm! Hope those men figure it out! How funny!
I am so glad you did not get any damage to your house. We did get some wind up here in the mountains. But, not too much rain. Hugs, Connie
Wow! What a shame to lose that beautiful tree. We lost several branches, but no whole trees. That storm surely was a corker!
Wow, that must have been quite a storm. I flew home as the rain was coming in.
I love the squirrels below this post. Cute stuff.
Hi, I am bj and a friend of Mona's. (a blogging friend, I might add). I noticed you had posted and just wanted to ask that if you should hear or read anything about her, would you kindly come over and leave a comment? I will do the same....
Wow big storm,wasnt it? I'm sorry to see the poor tree.
Glad that tree wasn't closer to the house!
I lived in CA in the San Jose area for 15 years - some of those rainstorms can be very powerful. Sorry you lost your tree - always a heart breaker.
Love your comment on the last photo. I'm sure the guys would have done a better job, too!
Take care!
wow...so sorry you lost a pretty tree. The roots must have been very shallow.
So sweet of you to want to follow me...I saw that Google was having trouble with some of the following gidgets but I think it's ok now. Next time you come over, I'd love it if you signed up...:)
oops, meant to say that I am following YOU, now...:O)
Poor tree. Glad it did not damage your crepe myrtle! You cracked me up with your last comment. So very true!
Thank you for stopping by! Those sunrises and the dolphin sightings are what make my commute bearable.
~ Tracy
Too bad you lost your nice tree but at least the storm did not do any other damage.
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So sorry you lost your tree, what a mess, and yes the guys do that thing here too, I have 4! It is funny huh?
Really enjoyed my visit with you!
Ohh I am sorry about your tree!
Thanks for using one of my backgrounds, it looks great on your blog!! And I really like your header, it's lovely!
Sheryn xox
I love the sky picture, it is amazing! Great pic of your guys talking! Have a sweet day! x
This was such a neat post! I don't think we got a single bit of rain...it always just passes over Riverside...and it's so disappointing...however...so is losing a tree! :) yep...men to like to stand and check things out...and then check things out again! :)
I do love your blog!!!
Sorry about your tree - I hate it when that happens. Unfortunately, we get some pretty bad storms here from time to time - we have lost numerous trees on our farm. It is always hard to see them fall. But thankfully, it was nothing serious - and your home and you all were o.k. Now your crepe myrtle will simply be the standout - as they always are! Cathy
OH NO!!! LOL about the guys standing around like that!
We have more rain coming this week.......
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