This is the "
Ashford Traveller Wheel" and she is so "sweet". I have always wanted to learn how to spin my own yarn, ever since I went to my first "
Renaissance Fair" and watched the ladies spinning.
Learning how to spin yarn was on my bucket list, now I can cross it off. Well at least I have the spinning wheel now, I still need to learn "how".
searched for classes on the net in my home town and low and behold I found one. I am so very
excited to start a class and finally learn to spin.

Ashford Traveller Wheel weighs only 15 pounds so she is easy to carry and
transport. I found her for sale at work of all places, a gal at work was moving and she no longer had room for the
Ashford, since she had purchased a new wheel. I bought her for only $80.00, new these wheels can run over $400.00.

I even have some practice wool.

And books to read!. I can't wait to get started. Do you spin and if so can you give me any helpful hints? (Oh my, I just noticed that when I
snapped this photo the bottom of my
pjs were in the way , oh silly me!) Do you take your photos in your
pjs too?
I don't see your pjs, sugar! Lovely way to spend your day - spinning!
Can't wait to see what you make! Have a sweet day!
I didn't see any pj's, but I have taken pictures in mine! A spinning wheel! How exciting for you. I have no idea how to spin...I've never even see a real spinning wheel, but is so cute! I'll bet it will lots of fun...then you can learn how to knit and crochet, too! Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Yes I do take pics in my PJ's lol...
I remember when I was little for Christmas I got a "Little Red Spinning Wheel". It was plastic, and it didn't make yarn. It knitted yarn into long tubes....
It sounds like you are going to have fun learning this new craft!
Oh I am so jealous. I want to learn to spin too! They offer classes in my area but I just haven't had the time. Maybe I will have to make the time! You got such a good deal on the wheel! Lucky you! Let us know how everything goes!
Is there any other way to take photos? heehee! I absolutely LOVE your spinning wheel. I've never done that but I would love to learn! Can't wait to see what you can do! Have fun!
That wheel is so beautiful! I have been wanting an antique spinning wheel. I love them! I think it's so neat that you are going to spin yarn. How exciting! Enjoy your day! Twyla
How exciting! I can't wait to see what you create!
Wow Elizabeth $80.00 is a steal!!!!!!!!! You go girl...You are going to love it! The only way to learn how to spin well is to do it! Practice and it becomes a natural part of you...Many of my friends are spinners and great knitters too. Don't you love learning something new! Have a ball xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Thanks for your sweet comments today. It is bloggers like you who make it such a pleasure to write my posts. Good luck on the spinning. I'm sure it will be fun!
Hugs, Rhondi
I think you take better photos when you are in your pj's.lol Now, that spinning wheel is just beautiful, you got yourself a real deal. You are going to have so much fun!. I've gotten raw wool, cleaned, dyed and carded...but I haven't done the spinning. There is lots of info on the internet too. Cant wait to see what you make!
THAT is just AWESOME! totally envious........
thistle cove farm ( a blogger friend) sells awesome wool -
I'd check with her -
Seems like it would be a soothing thing to do.
Ooooo, how much fun. Looking forward to seeing what you make with little cutie!
Oh, I'm so happy for you that you are going to learn how to spin. Love your spinning wheel. I've always been fascinated with the concept. Hope you will share what you learn at your classes. Will you knit something from the yarn you spin? Do you just spin wool? As you can tell I don't know much about spinning but want to learn. I looks so good in your home.
What an exciting new skill to learn. I can't wait for you to teach the rest of us. : )
That is amazing that you have that! I saw my burlap pillow in the background and got excited!
Have a great weekend,
Wow that is so neat and what a wonderful thing to learn how to do as well. Can't wait to see your first project.
Oh my your Wheel is truly a work of Art !
Congratulations on such a fabulous find and reaching a goal .
May your Thanksgiving be one filled with abundant blessings .
Hugs from Texas.
Thank you for not giving up on my blog .
I was out sick for over a month and am just now getting round to catching up with everyone .
Happy Trails
have fun learning to spin your own yarn. what a fun thing to learn!
How exciting - I know you will be a great "spinner". Good luck - it is a beautiful wheel. Thank you for asking about my husband - he is doing so much better - still has to go to therapy once a week for his hand but he is much improved. Still a ways to go - but oh, how far he has come. Happy Thanksgiving. Cathy
A spinning wheel! How exciting for you
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I wish I had time to learn to spin. Maybe someday.... What a bargain and it's adorable too! I also love that slipcover for the chair. Hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving!
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