Its all about the smell and taste...Yumm the smell was wonderful and filled the house with deliciousness!
I spoon full of meat sause, how I wish you could smell the sauce.
Oh and yes a good cold glass of wine always makes the cook happy!
Every Italian girl learns how to make the (zugu) that's what Gary's Grandma used to call her sauce (zugu)..Grandma was 100% Italian who waived her arms and shook her fingers at you.(We miss her)
Here's Seth checking out whats on the stove..Do you think this is one happy boyfriend---We do.
So Bernadette says to me~Mom you just have to try my brussel sprouts, well I never cooked bussle sprouts when the kids were growing up..(because I don't like brussel sprouts) So it really surprised me that she liked them. While she was washing the brusslel sprouts Seth snuck up behind her and gave her a little kiss, look at her face expression its so cute!
Ah, young love isn't it grand. I love it..
After washing and slicing the brussel sprouts, Bernadette tosses them with olive oil
Laid them out onto the stone baking pan
The green color is so pretty with the yellow inside, who knew a veggie could look so pretty, especially one I don't like.
Then she added her special spices...and baked them.
The very yummy lasagna all prepared and ready to bake, this pan full of lasagna was very heavy
Ummm so cheesy and full of meat sauce.
Can't have lasagna without garlic bread. I must confess I now like bussle sprouts LOL
I knew the kids were coming so before they arrived I bake a bundt cake. It was a recipe that Anita had posted on her blog Aunt Nubby's Kitchen. The bunt cake is called Hummingbird Bundt Cake, you can find the recipe here at Anita's blog
The smell of the pecans roasting in the oven was so good, when they were done roasting I just had to eat a few warm so yummy!
Baking for one hour in a 375 degree oven
All done and cooling
All frosted with a scumsous cream cheese frosting and sprinkled with more roasted pecans.
This bunt cake received a thumb up....everyone enjoyed a slice along with a glass of milk for dessert. Having the family together enjoying dinner and sharing stories around the table is just the best thing in the world to me. Food just goes along with family they both are um um good!
Linking up with the following girls;
Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday
Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday
Shannon-Cozy home Your Cozy Home Party Tuesday
Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday
Bunny Jean -Bunny Jean Decor and More Bunny Hob Wednesday
Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday
Cindy- My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday
Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday
Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays
Meg-Nutmegplace Show Off Saturday
Greetings! I haven't visited in a long time, but I am so happy I did to see your family and delicious food! It looked like you had such a good day, with a blessed family.
yum, yum, yum. I think I might have to try that cake.. it looks so delish! take care, Maryann
Oh how fun that must have been! Your daughter and her boyfriend are such a cute couple. (My daughter could come to my house and day and bake up a storm. I'd love it. I'd even clean up afterward.) Oh, that's interesting that you now enjoy brussel sprouts. Wonder if it would work for me?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I smell that all the way in Missouri! What a sweet couple! I made Lasagne in the crock pot for the first time yesterday and believe it or not, it was good. I'm sure Gary's Italian mother would not have approved though. Hugs!
Looks like a yummy and great time had by all!
Dearest Elizabeth,
You congratulated me with 25 years on the job... But that was not what my post was about! We have been flying (as consultants to our jobs worldwide!) with American Airlines for 25 years and they do give you frequent flyer miles for each mile in the air. So Pieter did accumulate his 70,000 for which both of us went to Curaçao together on vacation!
Just read the link below my post about Pieter's 25th anniversary last year and you know more about us. Yes, we've lived in the skies for months if you convert the 1,500,000 miles into hours/days/weeks/months...
Love to you and it seems you had some happy cooking and eating going on here. Bernadette Marie seems to really enjoy it and what about Desiré Danielle? Is she into the Italian cooking too?
Love to you,
Looks like a wonderful meal!
I am sure everyone enjoyed themseleves!
Oh yum! That looks like one delicious meal!
What a beautiful family dinner! And what a great time of sharing. Looks yummy!
Mmmmm...I can almost smell the sauce cooking and that cake, oh my!!! I had a Hummingbird Cake years ago that was SO good!
The meal your daughter prepared looks absolutely amazing!!!
I know it was delicious!
Can you pass on the recipe for brussel sprouts? I love them.
Hugs, Cindy
I think she definitely got to his heart with that meal. Everything looks delicious! They are a cute couple and look very happy. Thanks for sharing at my party.--- Shannon
All that food looks so good, I could almost smell the deliciousness of your kitchen. Your daughter and boyfriend look so cute together. I thought from the title of your post this might be leading up to a
That looks amazing--when can I come for dinner? :)
What a very talented daughter, funny my daughter loves to cook and bake as well. Bunt cake looks fantastic! Diane
That food looks amazing! I wish I had more time to cook! Lucky family to get to enjoy good food and good company together! Have a great week! Traci
Hi Elizabeth,
You asked about my little owl. Yes, I have two for sale in my Shop right now, but if you'd rather buy the pattern, here is the link:
Good luck! What a cute idea for a Nursery. : )
Mary Lou
OH MY! She is amazing! Enjoy your sweet family and these happy times! ♥
oh , this so reminds me of my MIL (who has passed out of this life). She made the best spaghetti sauce and meatballs. Her meatballs were bigger than golf balls and wonderful. I love brussel sprouts and lately I have been having them several times a week! Don't know why but I have been craving them. I like them baked and nuked. Glad I can't eat that cake!! Got to loose about ten pounds!!
Yum, yum, yummmy. It all looks so delish. My only question is...And why was I not invited? Hee, hee, hee. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
Much love,
Oh those are the best days!! I love when my kids come home for dinner...
Hi Elizabeth!
YUM...everything looks so good and it has made me hungry... at 10:45 am... for a big delicious meal.
I love brussel sprouts. They are especially good roasted, but I even like the frozen ones made in the microwave... with maybe a little mayo on top ;)
Thanks for sharing this at my party this week!
xoxo Bunny Jean
Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!
The meal looks wonderful. I never used to like brussel spouts either until I had them baked, like yours. Nice to have cooks in the family! Thanks for stopping by, I'm now following you too, Laura
YUM Elizabeth! Don't you love it when your daughters love to cook. Mine do and I feel it is a compliment. They are always calling me and asking for advice. My mom was a fantastic cook and passed the love on to me an my sisters. I have not cooked brussel sprouts in years. I love vegetables, but didn't quite take to them. I am going to give them another shot. Chow! Enjoy that wonderful meal. The cake looks delicious too.
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