Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the well wishes..The Bell's Palsy has been a bit trying well OK a lot trying, but I am getting better there are still side affects but I can see an improvement, it has to be all the prayers helping me to get better, I just know it.
I am looking forward to spring time and I can hardly wait to get outside and start planting new fresh flowers, but for now Gary and I are still adding some touches to the kitchen, they are small but have really made my life easier.
For fun and the unexpected I hung my red frame on the side of the kitchen cabinet and in the middle I hung a heart picture with the sweetest poem written in it. The picture was a Mother's Day gift from my Daughter Desire'. I heart it very much and I heart her!!.
My family never knows what I'm going to do and when they think I have gone decorating crazy, I surprise them with something else..I love to keep them guessing..(It's good to keep our family guessing isn't it)LOL
This photo is a bit washed out, but it was all I could find to show you the back side of center island. I had been wishing that there was a way we could add a electrical socket to the island so I could use my large griddle on it to cook pancakes..well Gary surprised me and while the electrician was out estimating a electrical job we had for the Master Bathroom (we are remolding the bathroom) I will show you very soon. Anyways, Gary had the electrician install the plug. I am one happy is so convenient I don't know how I lived so long without eletricty in the center island.
LOVING the new socket..silly I know to post about a new electrical socket, but this is really big time for me. Now I need to find a fun plate cover or paint the white one yellow to match the cabinet.
Are your cabinets hard to craw into?, mine sure were it was not a lovely site, seeing me on my hands and knees with my head inside the cabinet and just my"big behind" showing.. and I had so much "stuff" packed inside them. So the best solution was custom pull outs.
We had them installed in all the lower cabinets.
Aww, now I can see what I have, it's so nice..I love them.How happy these little pulls out have made me.
Now for the spice cabinet, that was a nightmare of a shelve. First let me tell you that I am very "short" yes I am only 4'11 and my family enjoys teasing me about my height challenge. While at Lowe's Gary's picked up this very cool spice rack that pulls down by Rubbermaid. Look what it does, it pulls down...Yeah! I was so excited (insert crooked smile) I can actually see all the spices and even reach them without standing on my tippy toes. This is a big deal when you are only 4"11.
Aww, the simple things of life that me so happy. I can reach all the spices now that I use every day. The spices I don't use often are on the top shelve ,those I have to use the step stool for but thats OK.. LOL
Have a sweet week full of sweet moments shared with the ones you LOVE...
Joining the following linky parties;
Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday
Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday
Shannon-Cozy home Your Cozy Home Party Tuesday
Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday
Bunny Jean -Bunny Jean Decor and More Bunny Hob Wednesday
Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday
Cindy- My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday
Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday
Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays
Meg-Nutmegplace Show Off Saturday
I just love what you did with the kitchen. In fact I see a new project for Hubby to do. Love the sliding drawers you did.
Glad to hear you are getting better.
Lots of good ideas for kitchen organization here. I love the drawer pullouts! Fantastic solution, which I could really use. I like the drop down spice storage, too. My spices are in a drawer.
So glad that you are noticing improvements in your health. That sounds like one of the most annoying physical things that could be going on so it's great that you're on the mend.
Elizabeth, I don't know HOW I missed the post about Bell's Palsy but I did, sweetpea, and am so sorry. But as you say it will get better.
I love your home and your blog. It's everything a blog should be—great stories, eye catching photos and love of home. That's my definition of beautiful blog.
Get well, honey, and just keep posting about fixing up that home. It's truly gorgeous!!!
I love the red frame hanging where it is! Great idea...your kitchen is so organized now!
I enjoyed seeing your kitchen improvements and also your livingroom in the previous post.
I am sorry to hear about the Bell's palsy but happy to hear it will improve.
Take care,
Gary found a cool spice rack.
I am also height challenged--great help for us shorties.
Hope you continue to get better.
Hello my friend,
I'm glad you're doing better.
I love your yellow island and the fact that you have an electrical outlet there is wonderful! I cook a lot and I understand that very well. And what a lucky lady to have pull outs! Oh my what I wouldn't do for those. And the spice rack is wonderful and so useful, I also love that idea.
Have a great week.
Hugs, Cindy
I'm so glad you are doing better Elizabeth. Despite what you said, the electric outlet is a BIG deal I know! When we were buiding our house, we had the builder install an outlet for the trash compactor, but for some reason putting a useable outlet there slipped our minds. We totally wished we would have done that.
I know your work is so much easier with this and all the other changes you made. When do we get to come to your house for dinner?
Thank you for linking up to my party this week!
Glad to hear you are feeling better!
Love what you did with your drawers! What a great idea!!
So happy you are feeling better. I bet it was scary to not know what was going on. I've known a few people who woke up and were like you, not knowing what was going on and they too had BP. Scary at first but thankfully it does go away.
I love your kitchen with the pull out storage and spice rack. I also think the red frame is pretty there. Very unexpected.
Great job!
I so want one of those spice fact, two would be for the aspirin and stuff too! Those are GREAT!
Your kitchen is lovely. I love the pull-outs. Thanks for posting. Glad you are feeling better. Happy to be a new follower.
HI How do I become a follower?
Glad to hear that your palsy is improving! More prayers coming your way. Love your big chalkboard!
Susan and Bentley
Hi Elizabeth, I love everything about your kitchen. We have an island that has an outlet but I don't use it at all-how silly of me. I also love the tea area of your counter-so cute with your pot and tea sign. You have a great eye for decorating. I so know what you mean about getting things in the back of cabinets-I'm short too, 5'2". Ugh. Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Noreen
The kitchen is looking wonderful!! Great job!!
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. Prayers do work! Love what you have down with your kitchen. Very organized. And that red frame is the cutest idea. I just may have to copy. Thanks for sharing. Hugs to you my dear friend. Karie
I so love those pull outs! What a wonderful idea. I'm going to look into that ;0)
Everything you added is just exactly what I have wanted for so long. Made me sigh deeply and start thinking of how I could get them. What a difference it would make for me. How lucky you are! You are's the little things!
Your kitchen is lovely! The red frame is particularly cute!
We did our kitchen a few years ago and it makes such an amazing difference to have some of those little extras to make life easier. I know you are enjoying your upgrades, too.
Wow! You guys have been busy. I agree, that having a plug in your island is a must. Glad you got yours. I have always had hubby add pull out drawers. It makes life so much easier.
My Mom was only 5', so I know how challenging that can make working in a kitchen. I have never seen a pull down spice rack. Gonna have to look into that for our trailer we are STILL working on.
Everything is lovely as always.
I love all the changes you did to your kitchen! what a great idea having pull outs and that spice rack is just ingenius.. pulling down like that, certaining makes life easier. take care, Maryann.
Hi Elizabeth! First of all, I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing that syndrome - and I do hope it does go away quickly - make sure you are eating healthy too...with taking those drugs and all...
you are putting my color to shame! and I absolutely love that big frame on the side of your cabinet like that...very cool -
God bless,
Anne Marie
(do you collect crochet potholders?)
Hi Elizabeth thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower. I came back and this time I found the google button. On a side note I love engelbert Humperdinck. Great song
It is funny because I have four of those pull out thingies in my cupboards but I never use them!! I stack things up too high in those areas. I have stacks of glass pyrex type bowls with covers, and stacks of baking pans, mostly glass etc. If I rolled them out it would be really heavy and secondly they would come crashing down. However, perhaps I should think about reorganizing? My spices....ah I have 2 cupboards full of them--I use them too! It is a bit crazy! I do have them in alphabetical order for the most part. And then there is my tea! I have two many kinds I do believe--but it depends on my mood. Yup, I should spend some time thinking things through on organizing!
Looking good my friend. It's always a very good thing to have gadgets that make life a bit easier. I have those pull outs for my pot and pan cabinet and I LOVE THEM! Love, love, love the red frame idea too.
Much love,
The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food and to complete related tasks such as dishwashing.goodman ac troubleshooting
This is a truly cool post. I love this kitchen. Totally the style would fit me.goodman ac troubleshooting
This is a truly cool post. I love this kitchen. Totally the style would fit to measure carpet for stairs
bell's palsy in spanish La parálisis de Bell, o de los músculos faciales, es la parálisis más común y suele afectar un lado de la cara. Los síntomas aparecen de
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