While going through some of my sister's things today, I came across a card that was given to her 30 years ago from our Grandparents. She must have loved it to have kept it all these years. It touched my heart so much while reading it and really made me think about the words written, so I wanted to share it with you too.
If For Girls
If you can trust yourself though others doubt you and conquer fears that limit what you dare So you can freely give to those about you the skills and talents that are yours to share;
If you can live, not for your pleasure only, but gladly lend your gentleness and grace to warm the hearts of those whose lives are lonely and help to make their world a better place;
If you can balance dreams with practicality and deal in facts, but never lose ideals, If you can face the harshness and reality and find the truths that prejudice conceals;
If you can be courageous when defeated and humble in the face of victory, or give your best until a task’s completed, however difficult that task may be;
If you can temper facts with understanding and seek to gently guide not to control, and neither be too lax nor too demanding, but keep in mind the worth of every soul;
If you can strive, not caring who gets credit, and work at building bridges and not walls, or hearing idle slander, just forget it and never fail to help someone who falls;
If you can give your help without begrudging the patience, time and effort you impart or look at others weakness without judging and see, not with your eyes, but with your heart;
If you can take resources that surround you and use them in the way you feel you should, You’ll be a woman… and all those around you will be the richer for your womanhood!
Author ~ Gale Baker Stanton
May your week be peaceful and your hearts full.
Dearest Elizabeth and Gary,
That for sure did touch you as it meant so much to your dear sister, coming from your Grandparents. Thanks for sharing that wisdom, that was being treasured by your Grandparents as well.
Hugs to you,
Beautiful sentiment. xo
Good Morning Elizabeth and Gary, Isn't it marvellous when you find something you were not looking for. I find old photographs which I have used as bookmarks in books. It makes you stop and think about that person, just as you did. The words are beautiful in the card and such a lovely keepsake. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne
Beautiful, just beautiful. If you don't mind, I'm going to copy it off for my three grandgirls. Maybe they will cherish it for many years, too!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh. You are sorting and making decisions. Not an easy time. Many blessings to you...
Oh, I was going to say that if you visit BJ's Sweet Nothings, she recently had a post on how to save some unique treasures. I wish that I had found it sooner before I got rid of so many of the treasures.
That's so beautiful!
Thanks so much for your very sweet comment on my quilt, it really means something coming from you. You are a quilter extrordinaire!
Hugs, Cindy
Wow, this is very moving, really touched my heart. I am pinning it to send it to my Daughters.
Thank you for stopping by and now I am just dropping in to meet and greet you. (following via Linky:)
Now I am off to explore some of your prior posts:)
This is beautiful. I'm going to copy some of it into my journal tonight! Thank you so much for sharing! Sweet hugs!
Beautiful....Sending you a great big hug my sweet friend.
i know that this is hard for you, elizabeth. she is with you every step of the way.
thank you for sharing this with us. i just copied and printed it and will keep it on my desk to be reminded of how i should be each day.
love to you,
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